Well the IL's are gone and now I'm supposed to be packing for our Texas trip. Instead I'm catching up here and checking the Texas weather online (90+ degrees everyday).

As always when the ILs leave I ask DH "were there any conversations had that I need to know about?" He said no but then a few minutes later he said "but dad did say that they will probably buy apartments in the cities where I and brother live once he retires" Oh great! I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I suppose as long as we're established in our lives and have our own plans it won't be as bad as I think. I guess the plus would also be that then they wouldn't stay with us when they come to visit. I'm sure it will be different once we're done with training and I don't feel so transient.

They were fine with Adele, MIL did her pouting thing if anyone else held her to long and FIL gave her up to MIL more then I thought he should but whatever. Its very obvious who controls that relationship and I don't know if FIL lets things go b/c of his crazy work hours or if its always been like that. When anyone handed her to me I usually put her in her activity gym or exersaucer so she had some time to herself and I don't think that went over well either. :huh: The kid needs her space too.

We went out for a nice dinner last night and one of our newer restaurants, it was good but the service wasn't great and the restaurant was loud so MIL couldn't hear very well. They brought gifts, as they always do. A "crawl ball" for Adele and an outfit. The outfit still had the tags on it, I picked up the tag to see what size it was and looked at the tag for quite a while b/c I couldn't find the size. MIL immediately jumped in "that's not the price, it was on sale" because the price was quite high. I felt like I was having to defend myself to find the size. There just seem to be so many issues when they come to visit, its just tiring.

So now I'm ready for our VACATION! We're leaving tomorrow morning for Dallas and then Thursday afternoon for Houston and home on Sunday. A whole week with no work for DH, no pager, and lots of relaxation! So I'll be back online on the 7th!