We are having GORGEOUS weather. We opened all the windows today, it was like 75 degrees and beautiful! Today was a great day. We got up and went to Panera for breakfast, then headed to Old Navy where we got 7 (yes seven) pairs of jeans for $66 (yes $66). It was INSANE! I'm not really ready to buy new pants b/c I'm still hoping to lose some more of this baby weight but for $10, I can handle that! Then we headed to the Farmers market and picked up yummy produce as well as some organic grass fed beef - yum! This week was a good week. Adele and I got out of the house everyday, of course some of that was because I hated to be sticking around while the contractor was working. He did a great job, we're extremely happy with the color and with the ceiling where he had to patch it, you can't even tell. That's pretty good since another contractor told me you couldn't patch it and would have to strip the whole ceiling. I hate most contractors. Now we have to hope the carpet will be in early in the week so that they can install it by Thursday. Some of our very good med school friends will be here on Friday and the only way we get to see them for more then a few hours is if they stay with us Friday night, our sales rep is very optimistic it will be in - fingers crossed! I can't believe school is already starting and while Adele isn't in school we still mark the end of our summer since we have so many friends in our parkgroups, etc. that have school age kids. MOPS starts up on Tuesday, we have a Baby & Me class that starts the following week, and Side by Side starts for the year that next week too. Our new playgroup is going to meet Labor Day week, several of the moms are first timers with kids Adele's age, others have older kids too as well as one A's age so I'm looking forward to it. They're all resident wives but I don't know any of them so we'll see how it goes. The rest of today was nice too, DH mowed the yard while A napped and I finally got some things done around the house like cleaning and tidying. Tomorrow is supposed to be just as gorgeous of a day so hopefully we can enjoy it just as much. I have a shower to go to in the afternoon, there have been a lot of those lately. Adele is pulling up to her knees - ack! Check out her blog in my signature for picture updates, she's growing up so fast!