I guess I haven't posted much since I moved my blog, I think since its over here now I forget that it is here.
Adele has had a very eventful couple of weeks. She pulled up to a stand on Saturday, September 20th and and then when Deebs and her family was here visiting on the 25th she started crawling on all fours. Now she pulls up on everything and thinks she is Miss Big Stuff. We've found some more things we needed to baby proof and I'm sure there will be more.
DH's research is going well. They're are already making great progress and expect to have a major paper to publish in March. He also found out yesterday he'll be helping to write a book chapter, or update it at least. So he's excited about that, he needs to pad his resume a bit for an academic job even though people have told him he won't have an issue getting one. I think he'll feel more comfortable. They also need to get him a tech, he's doing to much of the physical experiments on this project instead of focusing on the science and so that is slowing him down plus he hasn't had time to finish a paper he's been working on for a year. He's frustrated and I think he's come to the realization the he really misses the patient care so when he does get a "real" job he'd like it to be less then 50% lab. I guess we'll see. It is really nice to have him home for dinner every night, 7 is usually the latest. My only frustration with that is Adele doesn't get to eat with us then and everyone says she learns by observing but I can't wait that long to feed her so I guess we'll just make sure she eats with us on the weekends and I try to eat lunch with her instead of feeding her and then having my lunch.
Adele had her 9 month appointment on last Monday and she's still a shrimp which I'm not worried about but it makes clothes tricky. Its getting chilly here, it hasn't been above 70 for at least a week so she needs to wear pants. The problem is she has very few pant outfits in the 9-12 month range, I don't know how that happened but it has. The other problem is that pants that fit over her diaper are usually too long and if they're not tight enough at the waist she crawls out of them. Oh well.
A picture of big girl:

Otherwise not a lot going on, the IL's are coming this weekend and then Adele & I are headed to Kansas on October 17th. Anyone have any suggestions on a 8-10 hour car trip with a 9 month old and a dog - ack!