So I just got off of the phone with my little sister who has been fighting her own infertility battle for the last year or so. Her first doc was a quack! I didn't like him at all and I was super glad when she switched the new doctor is so much better. The problem now is that her lining isn't thickening as it should during her cycle so they're afraid even if she does get pg it won't implant. So the new plan is 3-4 cycles of IUI with HCG tests very early after O to see if she's even getting fertilized at least then they'll know if the lining/implantation is the issue. After those 3-4 cycles they will reassess but most likely at that time they will go surrogate or adoption if the implantation seems to be the issue.

So I asked DH at dinner tonight what his thoughts were on me being her surrogate. My older sister has offered but she has had fertility issues of her own including a miscarriage and she's older so I don't think my little sister wants to say yes to her. DH is concerned because the timing would be during his chief year, we'd have two little ones running around, one would be really little probably and then we know we're moving to Oregon in June/July 2011 so we'd want the baby born by March or for me to be no more then 3-4 months along when we move. So we're both going to give it some thought and see how the birth of #2 goes and then talk to my doctor. If my sister and her husband are wanting to try 3-4 more cycles then I will hopefully be at least 6 weeks postpartum before they make a decision and if we decide to make the offer at that time we can. Probably around the 1st of the year.

So we'll see, I think she's more likely to accept it from me then my older sister because I'm not 35 yet and because we got pg on our own this time. Just something for us to think about...