Have I said that enough? This weekend is a prime example of that. DH was on call (6p-6a) Tuesday night, left here around 8pm, never came back. He started call last night at 6pm, finally got home about 7:30pm. Went in this morning at 7 and got home about 11:30, went in at 5:30 (it should only take 90 minutes or so), its now 8:30 no sign of him and he's not returning my pages. I'm going to put dinner ingredients back in the fridge and make leftovers - he can fend for himself, pregnant wife must eat. And he's still on call until 6am Monday - ugg! Then he's also on call Wednesday night and just informed me today he has to take a visiting professor (skull base surgeon from UCSF) to dinner Tuesday night - that one doesn't bother me so much, he needs to make some contacts in his chosen specialty. But that will be 2 nights in a row he's gone.

I know this isn't typical - its not typical to have 3 week nights and a weekend within 8 days when you're not the chief but they stacked his call so that he wouldn't be on call around the due date. But it is typical when you ARE the chief so 7th year is going to BITE! I wish A, #2 and I could afford it - we'd travel the US and visit all of you