Chief year sucked - notice the past tense there. The first few months really threw me for a loop and I felt like I was barely treading water. I finally feel like that isn't true. Thanks in large part to my bible study group, we just finished a book called the Power of a Praying Wife and it talks about how praying for your husband can help him if he's to busy or stressed or not a believer to do it himself. It brought a huge sense of relief to my life, I feel like a huge rock has been lifted. That and this wonderful, peaceful, conversation filled, childless weekend has made me realize that nothing can derail us and that DH does still love me he's just to tired and over worked to show it on a regular basis. And I'm ok with that because I know things will get better and be better soon, not tons of money and all weekends off better but reasonably better for all of us.