25 Ways to Keep Yourself Sane and Happy by JH

Well, we’re a few months in to whatever stage of the medical education process that began in July and I’m sure there are more than a few of you who are pretty much ready to toss your spouse out the window. You’re bored? Lonely? Frustrated? Angry? With that in mind, I’m going to share my 25 Ways to Keep Yourself Sane and Happy.

1. Get to know your town. I have found the best way to learn your way around any new place is to get lost. I get in my car with a relative goal in mind (example: find the downtown library) and I attempt to drive there. I always make sure to have a map with me and off I go. I have found that I discover new and interesting places to see and things that I might want to do when you go off the beaten path. I also try to avoid taking the highways when I first move to a new place. I have found that 1) it makes it easier to get to wherever you need to go if you hit a horrible traffic jam and 2) you can see some different areas and neighborhoods.
2. Find the library. Go explore it. If you have children, find out when they have the children’s reading times and take your kids. Let everyone take home the books of their choice.
3. Go to the zoo. Enough said. The zoo rocks.
4. Find the park closest to your house and walk there. Sit and enjoy your day for a moment and appreciate your life.
5. Make a commitment to yourself- a walk every afternoon, an exercise class once a week, a run at lunch. Be healthy and somehow being happy isn’t too far behind.
6. Take a class- a cooking class, a fix your bike class, a how to coach class. Every big town and most small ones have local resources for adult education classes.
7. Find your spiritual side. If you’re active in your church or synagogue (or mosque or dharma) go to your respective services. Go to several different places if you don’t seem to fit with the first one. If you’re not a member of a “traditional” religion- go to the places where you are able to connect with other like-minded people.
8. Go visit you spouse. Bring them cookies or flowers or a card or just say hi. Let them know that you miss them (then leave and be happy that you’re not stuck at work).
9. Learn a different language. Even if all you actually get is “hello”and “where is the bathroom”, you’re doing better than most people!
10. Volunteer…Somewhere, anywhere! You don’t need to commit your entire life- but maybe an afternoon making peanut butter sandwiches at a homeless shelter. Teach Sunday school, Baby-sit your neighbor’s kids, Baby-sit your neighbor’s dog…
11. Find some music from your high school or college days and listen to it. Sing along, as loud as you can.
12. Become a connoisseur of something; Wine, cheese, spaghetti sauce. Learn to appreciate the differences and similarities of whatever your chosen topic might be.
13. Learn about your local politics. Know who your elected officials are. REGISTER TO VOTE. Pick a topic near and dear to your heart and email your elected officials. Even better, write them a letter, attend a city council meeting, attend a meeting with the mayor, or meet your representatives and senators at the state and national levels. Become an informed citizen. Teach your children why it’s important to be a participant in the elective process. Take them with you to vote.
14. Call a fellow spouse in your situation and see if they want to meet for coffee or go to the movies.
15. Form a baby-sitting co-op with neighbors or co-workers (or both). Then go remember who your spouse is.
16. Find a project and then actually finish it. Paint your furniture, learn to sew, learn to knit, learn to faux paint, or learn to use a drill press. Build a stereo or a telescope from a kit. Build a piece of furniture from a kit. Stain it. Be proud of yourself.
17. Go to see a play- even if it’s at the local dinner theater. (or especially if it’s at the local dinner theatre- chances are it’s a lot less expensive than Broadway!)
18. Write a letter to your favorite relative. If you have elderly relatives, commit to writing them a letter once a month. Imagine what it must be like to not get any mail.
19. Keep in touch with your friends from home, your friends from where you used to work, your friends from elementary school. Can’t find them- look on classmates.com. (look up your first true love, while you’re there. Be thankful you didn’t end up with them).
20. Treat yourself- get a massage, a facial, even just getting your haircut can do wonders for the psyche.
21. Find the local art district, the local antiques district, the farmer’s market, the local historical district and the tourist traps. Get to know a favorite place from each. Learn the history of your town. Remember these facts while taking visitors to see the places you’ve discovered.
22. Find a local coffee shop- preferably not a large chain but one owned by an interesting person. (or a hopefully interesting person)
23. Change your sheets the day your spouse is on-call. Enjoy your bed- fresh sheets and all. Read in bed, watch TV in bed, eat in bed- whatever you don’t normally do when your spouse is home. Pretend you’re at a hotel and leave your tray outside your door (pick it up in the morning). Perfect the art of lounging!
24. Take your children to a local fair, festival, market, etc. Expose them to the world and all of its greatness.
25. Come to medicalpouse.com and tell everyone what you’ve discovered!