So about a 8-9 days ago, I thought I was getting a UTI. So I did the normal thing and starting really increasing my fluid uptake, drinking cranberry juice and monitoring it. Well what I thought was a normal UTI turns out to be a serious infection, and thus not treating it for 8-9 days not such a great idea. So Monday I ended up in the doc office, with horrible kidney pain, and a very serious case of hematuria. So come to find out I am very sick. I have been running a fever of about 103 and the pain it horrible. So I am on what they are calling bed rest for a week. With a tons of fluids. I am on a plethora of meds. My doc is amazing and lives just right up the street and told me to call him and he could come over if I thought I was getting worse.

So I have been sitting in bed, with an electric blanket on me, watching chic flicks. First up is Twilight then who knows. Oh and if the pain wasn't enough I am on some sort of med that turns me urine and tears orange/red and my skin a blueish color. I look like an ompa loompa! And I can't wear my contacts because this med will stain them red, and I can't find my glasses. So I am watching shimmering vampires that appear to me as blurry blobs.

I am the worlds worst patient.