
I've got not a whole lot. I finished all my prereqs for nursing. I apply on November 1 and I won't find out til the SPRING if I got in or not.

Kevin and I have been all right. He dropped a bomb on me not long ago and told me that he does NOT want to get engaged next spring and married in a couple years as he had been telling me was the plan. The breaking the timeline bit is not what hurts, it's the whole "I don't know, I THINK I want to marry you but I DO NOT want to worry about it next spring." What the flipping fuck. Plan B for nursing school is to go to a school in his hometown and live with his parents. Months ago I said I would feel weird doing that and he said "well by then we'll be engaged", which would put us as being engaged by the fall of '08. But not anymore. So pretty much I'm up shit creek if I don't get into this program I'm applying to in Columbus.

It's not the engagement/engagement ring/whatever, honest to goodness, it's the rejection that fucking hurts. And it is rejection, because it's coming with a lot of cold feet.

But yet he keeps sending me shit about places to live in/around Detroit and their school systems, so GTFO Kevin Weber, you can lick my ass right about now. Your mixed messages are bullshit and unnecessary after nearly 3 years now. So I wait silently for him to get his shit together, I hope Med 2 doesn't crack him.

We went to my friend's wedding on Saturday (I was a bridesmaid) and we looked pretty cute:

It was a lot of fun but it came with a price, since about 9 kabillion people at the rehearsal dinner/wedding and people who saw the pictures asked/keep asking when we're getting married. I'm not a wuss but it's hard not getting catty or breaking down (depending on the mood) because there used to be an answer, now it's an "if", not a "when". And it's hurtful.

Other than that, home is fun as always. I'm going to cry so much when I move out of here. Matthew just turned 1 last Thursday and Ana turned 3 on Saturday. They're all fun and cute as ever.

3 and fabulous

1 and so itty-bitty:

Shrek was the big thing for Ana's birthday

Their mom and I took the kids to the Numbers Garden at OSU a few weeks ago to take pictures with the number that is their age. Plus a billion other pictures. Wee little Matthew got to pose with the giant zero, which was cute. Here are some cute shots of the girls, since Matthew napped most of the time.

O-H! Because we're #1

This was my idea, they took this one for their granddad in New Zealand who turned 75 last month:

I'm 23

Kate LOVED the zero

Kate and Ana in the 8, Ana often smiles for photos in a way that makes her look like she's about to drop the f-bomb.