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Christmas gifts already!

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  • Christmas gifts already!

    I just wanted to share with you all the place I've found for my Christmas shopping.

    I got the tote bags for $6.95 plus shipping. We give Christmas gifts to every member of our families. Can get really expensive so I try to keep it under 10.00 a person. Well, in November and December you really don't find anything for $10 that won't fall apart. I found a place here in town that will monogram their names on them for $2.00 a bag. I have them all ready to go and be personalized. This is really scary and Richard is sure something is horrible wrong with me as I'm all done with Christmas except for our boys. If your interested in the bags and can't find them in the catalog just let me know. I also have TONS of the "Christmas Crap" as my darling husband calls it. It's pretty cute stuff for cheap cheap cheap.

  • #2
    Devera that is sick and wrong--do you hear me sick and wrong--it is not even september for God's sake--you are too organized--if you can be that organized you need a hobby--Good Lord I am still getting ready for Friday night--Christmas--Give me a break--I think that is a female gene--us guys always wait to the last minute--good for you though


    • #3
      This is the first time in 13 years of being in the Albertson family that they are going to get their Christmas presents for Christmas and not Valentine's Day! I'm sure they are all going to fall over. It's a really scary sight around our house, I've cleaned out closets and taken 3 loads of stuff to goodwill. There must be something really wrong with me. I even started the yucky job of painting our oldest ones room yesterday. I hope to have closet and baseboards all done by the end of the weekend. I think I'm just REALLY bored ~ Devera


      • #4
        I got a kick out of this....see, my best friend lives in Northern Ireland...and her 1999 Christmas gift is still sitting in a box here in the house....guilt, guilt...and what is funny is that I made her a blanket and took quite a bit of time before the holidays to make it...I just never managed to make it to the post office....It is a good thing she knows me well!!



        • #5
          Sounds like nesting to me. Are you sure you aren't preggers?


          • #6
            OMG...i have to be in the Christmas spirit for that....maybe around Dec.10 it'll hit me!LOL


            • #7
              you guys!


              • #8
                I still can't believe that Devera is that organized although I have to tell you I have been working on a scheme that I am pretty excited about

                Daniel gets a week off in October--so he wanted to do something fun for vacation. So I told him we were going to chicago--he was ok with that until I told him that we were taking the greyhound bus and that we were actually staying outside of chicago and that to save money we would be taking the bus into downtown everyday. A couple of days ago he asked me how the food was in chicago and I told him that we had a great hotel room that had a kitchen in it so I could go to the grocery store and we could eat in every night to save money. I told him today that we got Jerry Springer tickets because they were free--he tried to act excited but I think he is about at the end of his rope.

                What he doesn't know is that we are actually staying at the Hyatt in San Francisco--his best friend that he hasn't seen for about 4 years is all in on it and she lives in that city. He has said over and over again wouldn't it be great to see my best friend in san fran--I just kept telling him we had nowhere near the money for that. He really misses his best friend Vanja.

                He is going to be so excited--Kris you are going to have to help me keep my mouth shut--you know I always blow surprises, especially if he has had a very bad day and I want to tell him something to make him feel better.

                I love being sneaky like this

                Oh ya this board is about christmas--ya you go devera--you go girl with your shopping excellence


                • #9
                  I am just teasing! I am very impressed with two things: first that you did all of this shopping so far in advance and second that you but gifts for ALL of your relatives! Wow!


                  • #10
                    Lisa, I'll find out Tuesday if I'm pregnant. Probable not but would be nice though!

                    As far as Martha Stewart ~ the closest I can get to her is my hair on really bad days!!

                    For the trip plan I think that sounds really fun. I can't imagine what his face looked like when you told him about a bus trip ~ ha ha. I also like to play mind games on Richard.

                    I have a great idea about our kids Christmas gifts and there are some things I want to run by Kris since you took your kids to Disney World but for know I have to run and get my ones up and at em for school ~ Devera


                    • #11
                      Yippee, sounds great.

                      Yippee again, Devera...oh, I hope you are pregnant!!! !


