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`Love Notes`

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  • `Love Notes`

    You want some entertainment while your spouse is `on-call`, try looking at some `Love Notes`. My husband and I started dating our junior year in college and I just came across some old `Love Notes`. What a hoot! It's amazing how in some ways we've have grown so much in maturity and in other ways we are the same 'ole people. I'm saying some of the same things today as I was saying in those old notes. I am gathering `Love Notes`, cards, and pictures of us growing up in our families and also pictures of us together as I am into this scrapbooking thing since I went to that Creative Memories scrapbooking workshop.

    I have so many pictures I need to get into scrapbooks. It's not even funny (well, it kind of is) . I am looking forward to doing lots of scrapbooking over the winter, colder months. Hopefully I can get caught up. Wesley is 7 years old, almost 8, and I have 7 years worth of scrapbokking for him. Yikes!!!!

    Well, I had to write you and tell you about our `Love Notes`. I am so glad my Bob never gave up on me and `us`. In those days, I just wanted to go out and have a good time and spent little time nuturing our relationship until he gave me that engagement ring. I always knew Bob was 'The One' for me, but didn't want to get hurt like times past. And now, I look at him and love him more and more each day. We certainly believe God put us together. We're so fortunate God has blessed our relationship the way he has. Putting God in our relationship was the best thing we ever did together! And we give Him all the glory for our relationship.

    Boy, am I talking a lot this evening tonight or what?!?! I guess I am just missin' my honey who just called me a few minutes ago. Well, I better get some shut-eye soon!

    Romans 8:28

  • #2
    I haven't scrapbooked in a couple of years myself...and I have been saving up the disposable cameras full of photos...yipes, I don't even know where they all are.

    I keep our letters etc. in a is fun to go through them!!!


