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My Dad is invited to see Gov Bush!!!

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  • My Dad is invited to see Gov Bush!!!

    Hi there!

    Can you believe it? My Dad and Mom have been invited to see Gov Bush at my hometown in Morgantown, West Virginia tomorrow (Friday, Nov 3rd) at 5:00pm. My sister and her husband have also been invited! Dad told me I could be invited if I really wanted to go, but we're getting ready to leave for vacation tomorrow. Should I have said 'yes' get me 2 tickets? Would you go? I feel awful, but we truly need to get on the road tomorrow, but then again, this may be my only chance of actually meeting a future President of the United States.

    I am so excited for my family. They are great people and deserve to go. Well, I just wanted to share the exciting news with you all!

    Romans 8:28

  • #2
    Wow! How did they get invited? I think that if I were you and I really needed to get out of town, I wouldn't go to the Bush thing. He's already got my vote. Hey, are you going to be able to vote since you'll be out of town? If you come this way and need a place to stay, let me know!



    • #3
      Bob wants to leave today, so there's no way I can sweeze time in to see Gov Bush. Isn't that sad? My parents were invited, but I have no idea how. It's at Morgantown High School in Morgantown, WV, and since all 6 family members are graduates, I suppose that's how they got invited, but I'm not sure. I'll ask next time I talk to them. They're going to take pictures and give me some, so I'll scan them for you to see. Okay?

      Our Votes are in the mail.

      We're going to Cocoa Beach, FL.

      We get to Relax! Relax! Relax!

      I cannot wait to be with Bob for a whole week without interruptions like that pesky little beeper!!!! He's looking forward to getting away as well. He's post-call right now, so I'll be driving for the few hours or more. Jonah's not a very good traveler, so please pray for him mostly. And pray for our traveling mercies too! I am a little apprehensive about the traveling part of the trip because we'll be traveling for 16 hours. Oh my, just thinking about it makes me swirm.

      Well, give me your prayers and best wishes!


      Romans 8:28

