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  • Welcome back

    Welcome back, did you guys have a good time? I was thinking about you! Boy, a vacation sounds good right now. How did Jonah do with the traveling?


  • #2
    Thanks Kristen!

    We had a nice, relaxing time at a resort in Cocoa Beach. I am not a beach person really, but I love the atmosphere in Cocoa Beach and Pensacola Beach. I enjoy the family atmosphere and the calmness and quietness. Wesley and I collected a few small shells along the shore. I never know what to do with these shells once we get them though. But he loves looking for them so we always end up with a bucket full of shells~broken and unbroken.

    Jonah is not a good traveler, but did better than I expected. The way down I thought we would never make it. I was tired because Jonah was up part of the night before we left due to a stuffy nose and Wesley was coughing some. Bob was post-call the Friday we left. So, we were so tired before we even left. We took shifts of about 2 hours each. Jonah would only sleep about an hour at a time. He doesn't like the car seat very long. He's a mover and likes to be free!

    Wesley has always been a great traveler. We are very thankful for that. And he'll help out with Jonah some which helps a great deal! We left our home at 3:00pm on Friday, stopped in Morgantown to drop off our kitty, left again at 5:00pm and drove straight until 1:00pm on Saturday. Well, we did stop at rest areas to stretch and refresh.

    Anyway, getting away was wonderful! We did absolutely nothing...but 'hang out'. We did n't have a lot of money to begin with so we couldn't do much in terms of money, so we just enjoyed each other which was nice. Our family had some bonding moments. It was a special time.

    The way back was better. We split our trip into two days coming back. We drove to somewhere in northern South Carolina and spent the night at a Holiday Inn. Then we drove the rest Saturday the 11th. We stopped to see friends from our former church along the way. We drove 2 1/2 more hours to 'crash' at Bob's Mom and Dad's home. Then we drove an hour to get home on Sunday.

    I am still unpaking everything. My boys are still 'under the weather'. Jonah is doing much better, but Wesley has the touch of pneumonia, so he's resting on the couch watching a little Cartoon Network while using his nebulizer. Wes always gets sicker than the rest of us. Anyway, so since both of my boys are resting (Jonah's actually asleep), here I am talking to my friends here! Catching up on everything.

    Well, Kristen and Lisa, let me know how you are doing.

    Romans 8:28


    • #3
      Wow, Pneumonia! That is horrible. Does he have asthma?

      It sounds like you guys had a GREAT time...that is really nice. You guys drove the whole way? We drove from PA to FL in March before we moved out here..about 1.5 years ago...and the neat thing to me was actually driving through the seasons...did you find that as well? It was just wild to me to go from cold and snow through the different temperatures until we arrived here in Fl and were wearing T-shirts and shorts!

      I hope that your little ones start feeling better....



      • #4
        Hi Kristen,

        I would like to respond to your questions:

        First, no, Wesley does not have asthma, but I have often wonder the same question; however, he has no asthmatic symptoms except when he's sick like this. To see and hear him now you would think he does have asthma!!!!

        Secondly, yep, we drove the whole way. I did enjoy the drive when Jonah was content! We drove at night going down, so I didn't see any scenery. But on the way back, it was much more enjoyable and I did get to see the seasons and temperature change from warm in Florida to cold in Pennsylvania. It was an educational experience for Wes who dressed in shorts in FL whereas Mom wore long pants (isn't she a little smartie?). Wes learned about temperature in different regions and Mom had to talk about the Equator and tempertaures and such. Hey, what can I say, it's the teacher coming out in me!!!

        Wesley stayed home yesterday (Tuesday) and is staying home today with Amoxicillin and Nebulizer. I am hoping he'll be able to go back tomorrow as he's missed so much school already. Jonah's doing well. He has just a slight stuffy nose that is clearing up. We're glad to be back home. We saw snow flurries yesterday!!! Whoohoo!!!!

        Romans 8:28

