Re: blog is a funny word
I don't want to touch on the math wars too much-- last night Kate was crying and sobbing, because she doesn't "get" it, and I've explained it umpteen million times... She has dug herself quite a hole, and has a huge test today (she already took it, actually). This test she can not retake. Do or die time for her... I am frustrated beyond belief... She hasn't been going in for help with her teacher, her teacher hasn't informed me of this even though she said she would if Kate stopped showing up, and now Kate is really in bad shape. She is just too far behind, and has been neglecting the whole situation for too long...
In other news, I've had morning sickness the past few days.
I am officially, I think, past the phase where I should have morning sickness... And I really haven't had "morning" sickness so much previously- more like all day nausea. I *hope* this is actually just morning sickness and not the nasty bug...
Steven has been home for 2 days this week. And of course, it is his "top dog" week at school, where he gets to participate in a special activity each day of the week. His teacher puts this on for the kids in the class- each kid gets only 1 week to be "top dog". Poor guy... He has a fever-- today 103, yesterday 102, the day before 104... Sound familiar? I think this has been the *worst* month for us as far as lingering illnesses. No one has been sick at the same time, and when you spread it out over so many people... we have been sick since the first week of February.
So that's what's going on. I am extremely stressed about Kate and her math. Extremely. I don't do failure well. I just don't know what to do, and we can't afford a tutor unfortunately. I think she's developing some pretty severe test anxiety... I just remember 6th grade as being... fun. I don't remember the stress like she is under, or the major projects, essays, etc. I didn't do the math she's doing until I was in 8th grade- and that was the most accelerated option available. I remember struggling through, but being able to do it all... Now she looks at a problem, and it doesn't matter if we just went over a very similar problem, she immediately says, "I can't do it... I don't know what to do" and her brain shuts down. Uggh.
Why do the powers that be want the kids to grow up so fast and do so much already? Steven's math group (he is 6) is adding 3 digit numbers together, with carrying over. Isabel's math group has to visualize 3-D objects and correctly count the number of sides on really crappy drawings. Both of them have been introduced to multiplication, and are expected to be learning their subtraction/addition math facts at home using flash cards. They have weekly homework packets, special projects, and weekly spelling tests with such words as "through" and "thought". It just seems like school is all work, work, work... Not enough color, color, color...
I don't want to touch on the math wars too much-- last night Kate was crying and sobbing, because she doesn't "get" it, and I've explained it umpteen million times... She has dug herself quite a hole, and has a huge test today (she already took it, actually). This test she can not retake. Do or die time for her... I am frustrated beyond belief... She hasn't been going in for help with her teacher, her teacher hasn't informed me of this even though she said she would if Kate stopped showing up, and now Kate is really in bad shape. She is just too far behind, and has been neglecting the whole situation for too long...
In other news, I've had morning sickness the past few days.

Steven has been home for 2 days this week. And of course, it is his "top dog" week at school, where he gets to participate in a special activity each day of the week. His teacher puts this on for the kids in the class- each kid gets only 1 week to be "top dog". Poor guy... He has a fever-- today 103, yesterday 102, the day before 104... Sound familiar? I think this has been the *worst* month for us as far as lingering illnesses. No one has been sick at the same time, and when you spread it out over so many people... we have been sick since the first week of February.

So that's what's going on. I am extremely stressed about Kate and her math. Extremely. I don't do failure well. I just don't know what to do, and we can't afford a tutor unfortunately. I think she's developing some pretty severe test anxiety... I just remember 6th grade as being... fun. I don't remember the stress like she is under, or the major projects, essays, etc. I didn't do the math she's doing until I was in 8th grade- and that was the most accelerated option available. I remember struggling through, but being able to do it all... Now she looks at a problem, and it doesn't matter if we just went over a very similar problem, she immediately says, "I can't do it... I don't know what to do" and her brain shuts down. Uggh.
Why do the powers that be want the kids to grow up so fast and do so much already? Steven's math group (he is 6) is adding 3 digit numbers together, with carrying over. Isabel's math group has to visualize 3-D objects and correctly count the number of sides on really crappy drawings. Both of them have been introduced to multiplication, and are expected to be learning their subtraction/addition math facts at home using flash cards. They have weekly homework packets, special projects, and weekly spelling tests with such words as "through" and "thought". It just seems like school is all work, work, work... Not enough color, color, color...