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Warning....Topic Controverial`

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  • Warning....Topic Controverial`

    I was listening to the radio this morning and a spot came on about partial birth abortion...and I just have gotten really upset about it...I have always been against this procedure, but I didn't truly realize how late in pregancy this is done....the spot said 5 months and there a deadline? I mean, can a woman decided at 8.5 months that she will be "emotionally scarred" if she has the baby and elect for a "voluntary uterine evacuation?" Surely not.....I am so disgusted and upset about this......

    To me, this thing flys in the face of "do no harm"


  • #2
    I won't go into all of my feelings about this, but from everything that I have heard and read, this procedure can be done at any time even to a full-term baby ready to be born. I can't imagine another human being butchering a tiny baby like that.

    Reading, thinking and hearing about it literally turns my stomach. It makes me physically sick to think that this actually goes on in America. It is just madness.

    Anyway, I know there are a lot of people that disagree and think that people should have a "right" to do this to their children, so I'm bracing myself for the backlash.


    • #3
      Lisa, I felt actually sick when I heard this on the radio...and it was playing the first time this morning when I was taking Andrew and Amanda to school...I hurried and turned the radio down because they gave a graphic representation of what happens and I was afraid that they would hear it...and then the same spot came on later.

      I am thoroughly disgusted with the very idea that something like this is LEGAL...and that there are DOCTORS out there that will do this. I hear the argument that "oh, women will go back to using coathangers" and I think...good...let them....these are babies...COME ON!! 5 months +...I could feel my children moving, sons little foot was embedded in my ribcage at about that time and I could poke at it and feel his little foot....Please, deliver the babies C-Section...I will adopt them!!!!!!!

      I am just sick over this....I don't know why it is bothering me so much today, but it really is.



      • #4
        Oh, that's just sickening! First off, I am pro-choice. So that's my starting position. I believe it's every woman's right to decide if she wants/can become a mother. However, in Canada, abortions must be done by the end of the first trimester. I know women who have had abortions, and most do not do so lightly. Personally, I think you should take the most strident measures to avoid unwanted pregnancy in the first place. Myself, I could never have an abortion (unless I was raped). So that's my personal position.

        That this can be done at such a late stage horrifies me. That some doctors are doing this is nothing short of disgusting in my eyes. There are cases when it's warranted (my friend had a baby with no brain, and when they discovered it at the 20 week ultrasound, they "aborted". That was compassionate to her.)

