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Grateful to be a mom

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  • Grateful to be a mom

    I struggled this week with being grateful. My kids wanted to fight more with each other, say mean things, throw temper tantrums etc. and I don't feel like I handled it the way I should have. I lost my temper a lot this week and the occasional thoughts of WHAT WAS I THINKING HAVING ALL THESE KIDS! raced through my mind. But, last night my baby had a fever and woke up crying around 4 am. I wasn't too thrilled but I sat down with him in the rocking chair and just held him and rocked him and I felt absolute peace. It was just one of those little moments when I realized how much I love being a mom and the awesome responsibility I have to do it right. Of course, I am going to make plenty of mistakes but I hope I learn from them (and that my kids won't remember them! ) I played card games with my boys tonight and thought ... this is exactly where I want to be. Playing with the kids and watching them grow and being there when they need me.

    Just a thought ...


  • #2
    You will have many more of these moments. My girls are 16 and 17. At Amy's high school graduation 2 weeks ago, it was bittersweet. I really hope I spent enough time playing cards, etc. with them, because now it is too late. Jackie Kennedy said (long ago), "it doesn't really matter what you do in life if you haven't done a good job of raising your children". Good luck

    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      It sure is amazing how fast the time goes by. I am still amazed looking at my 9 year old. He was just a baby yesterday it seems. Thanks for your comments. I will make an even more conscious effort to make each experience count.

      You will still have many opportunities to make memories with your daughters. I think I grew closer to my mom when I was in college and since I have had children of my own. The relationship just changes. One thing about having children is that you worry about them, love them and never stop being their mom.



      • #4

        I have been having some of those unpleasant moments myself lately....wondering what I was thinking having three children...laughing at myself for having contemplated baby #4.....we have all been under a tremendous stress the last few weeks and it is showing.......I look back on when my children were younger and I was a SAHM...I was patient, caring, kind, I feel like Monster Mother.....I would say that we have more unpleasant times lately than pleasant and something that I thought about today is that I am home again...but I converse/play with the kids less than I did when I was in school.....Right now, I am feeling so exhausted and overwhelmed, and the kids seem to be constantly fighting.....I am not feeling good about myself as a mom because I have set a certain standard for myself that I have been struggling to achieve.....If the question was asked right now..."did I spend enough time playing cards, etc..." the answer would be a resounding least for the last year or year and a half....and that is a hard thing for me to admit.

        During the day, I feel so irritated with the mischevious antics that I can barely contain myself. Once they are all finally in bed sleeping, I creep in and look at them and the frustration of the day melts away. I have spent some time feeling guilty about it all...but a good friend of mine today who is raising 5 children told me that every mom goes through it....and that there are good and bad times....that our family has endured a great deal of stress and that we need time to relax and establish a new routine......

        I am searching to find a way to make things run smoothly again for us...and if anyone has suggestions or comments, I am very open to them. I really need to turn things around for us again....

        The Medical Spouse Network


        • #5
          It's amazing the difference a few relaxing days makes...We are slowly adjusting to a new RELAXED schedule. It is just unbelievable...Thomas' schedule is very easy to live with and he is home every day by 5.30 pm. The kids and I have found so many things to do here during the day...going outside to ride scooters around the block, swimming in the back, etc....yesterday it was 5pm and Thomas called to be picked up and I hadn't even gotten to a lot of the housework...I wound up asking myself where the day had gone too! But it was so NICE! I love not being rushed to run children to school, get to class myself and stress about some stupid project or be able to drink my coffee in the mornings with Thomas and spend lazy days with the kids...I am starting to feel hopeful that things will be looking up for us all....

          The Medical Spouse Network


          • #6
            Kris, I am so glad that your schedule has become very relaxed. Thomas' hours sound great. You have been through some very stressful experiences, especially recently with the move and your defense etc. and the kids were feeling that stress too. I am glad that you are enjoying your time with the kids now and it is great that you can get comfortable in your new surroundings without worrying about school. That's a whole new stress that you don't need yet. It sounds like things are really falling into place. You deserve some peace and relaxation.



            • #7
              It is such a different feeling to finally be able to relax a little. Sometimes I feel guilty for not "doing" something....but I notice such a change now in the children's behavior and their overall levels of happiness. They are definately happier now.

              Thanks for the positive encouragement

              The Medical Spouse Network

