Sean, Cade, and I all take an early childhood family education class together each week. We have been doing so ever since we moved to Minnesota and we thoroughly enjoy it. The kids learn basic concepts like clapping, circle time etc while the parents talk about everything from tooth brushing to discipline. This class has introduced us to other parents of toddlers in the area as well.
Some of the parents in this class have formed a "babysitting coop" and it is working out really well. We have kept the group very small to include only families of toddlers. We feel comfortable with these parents and Cade loves going to play with his friend. Sean and I got to eat a meal at a nice restaurant without having to pay for a teenage babysitter. It was great! So far, this has been a great solution for us. I have heard of people forming coops by hanging flyers at the local store too. Of course, they started out with a play group to ensure that everyone has compatible parenting styles. This is a life saver for this medical spouses with a child who has little support in the area. Try it!
Some of the parents in this class have formed a "babysitting coop" and it is working out really well. We have kept the group very small to include only families of toddlers. We feel comfortable with these parents and Cade loves going to play with his friend. Sean and I got to eat a meal at a nice restaurant without having to pay for a teenage babysitter. It was great! So far, this has been a great solution for us. I have heard of people forming coops by hanging flyers at the local store too. Of course, they started out with a play group to ensure that everyone has compatible parenting styles. This is a life saver for this medical spouses with a child who has little support in the area. Try it!