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First day of school!

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  • First day of school!

    My kids are off.... we walked to school pulling the wagon with Dallin and Tyler in it and the kids were nervous and excited. I bought a one time camera for Jacob yesterday so that he could take pictures today. We were out in front of our taking pictures of the boys with their backpacks on, sitting in the wagon, showing off their new shoes. It was an idea that I had that actually turned out to be a good one! I think it relieved the stress a little. Jacob (my oldest) is such a worrier and was pacing and jittery all morning. They will be home in an hour and I can't wait to hear about their day.

    I even ran to the store to get some fun stuff for after school treats. Today we are having sliced apples with a BIG tub of caramel to dip them in. Yum! Not the MOST nutritious but a good way to drip goo on their homework!


    (a little more saner today!)

  • #2
    Congratulations, enjoy these years. My oldest started college this week, and she wouldn't let me go with her!!!

    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


    • #3
      Yeah, Robin!!!!!!! How exciting and fun! I went to the districts "newcomers" meeting last night and got really excited about this school year for the kids! Our schools here offer really neat extension programs for K-12..and the k-4th graders (mine are K and 1...and my 2.5 year old and I will be home this preschool ) have a theatre group, math club, science club, literature ring, etc, well as advanced placement classes for kids as small as Kindergarten!) I was really impressed....

      Luanne...I didn't want my parents to go with me either...boohoo for them...I will force my way along when my own kids go I have already offered them the opportunity to live with me forever and ever.......



      • #4
        That's a great idea about the one-time camera. I'm going to go out and get a couple too....thanks for the idea!!!

        At the beginning of the school year, we have a different tradition, brought over from germany. I make a cone shape out of poster board, fill it with little toys, candies, pencils, stickers, etc...and then cover the opening with tissue is sitting on the table in the am for the kids to open before school!



        • #5
          Neat tradition Kris. Maybe I can try that out next year. It sounds like the school system there is wonderful. I get to go next week for 4th grade parents night to find out all the details of curriculum, expectations etc. Everyone keeps telling me what a transition it is going into 4th grade. We shall see ...

          Luanne, did your daughter start school locally? I probably wouldn't have let my parents come either if I was familiar with the area but I moved out of state so my whole family (including grandmother!) came along with truck and travel trailer!!! I think they stayed for a week at a campground just to make sure that I was okay and didn't need anything. I didn't need anything but it sure was nice to know that they weren't far away for that week. Of course, I never told them that!



          • #6
            Hi Robin,

            My daughter is about 45 minutes away. She will be moving into an apartment in October so she is actually commuting right now. It is so strange to see her drive off to college!!!! She is going to Penn State, but her first year she is going to one of the extension campuses. This has made it much easier for her Dad & me.

            She will be 18 on September 3rd, and wants her Dad & me to take her to "Le Bec Fin" in Philadelphia for dinner. Fortunately, we couldn't get reservations!!!!! Now I have to find a restaurant we can afford. Even though we are divorced we still celebrate the girls birthdays and special occasions together. So far it has worked. My husband is usually at the hospital anyway.

            My younger daughter starts 11th grade Sept. 4th. So many milestones. I envy you the elementary years, they were so much fun. Fourth grade is a transition, all of a sudden they have a lot of homework. Good luck.

            wife, mother, nurse practitioner

            "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


            • #7
              That would be emotional for me to watch my oldest drive off to college. It makes me want to cry thinking about it. Now that I am older, freshman college kids seem SOOOO young. I remember feeling like I had the world in my hands and could do anything at that age and it is only now that I realize how naive and inexperienced I was in EVERYTHING. Your daughter will do great and it is nice that she is commuting for a little while to get you used to the transition. Good luck at finding a restaurant! That made me laugh. I picture us going to McDonalds!!! (I sure hope not!)

              Having a junior in high school will have its own challenges and rewards. My mom was so involved with what I did at that age. She knew the senior guys better than I did!!! Mostly because she worked with their parents! Lots of fun memories to be made. Enjoy.



              • #8

                I second Robin's thoughts...I'd feel emotional too....It is hard to imagine your children growing up and becoming adults...If it is any consolation, we went to dinner at the International House of Pancakes...and had a great time

                The college kids DO seem so young though....I don't remember being that young when I went to college Some of our neighbor kids are starting highschool and if I had had to estimate how old I thought they were I would have said 5th or 6th grade ......ahhhhh losing touch!!!

                Let us know where you guys go to eat !



                • #9

                  Ohhh. Your post made me worry about how I will cope with an empty nest and my son is only 18 months old! I can't imagine! I know, you are thinking, "Get a grip, girl!"

                  This is totally unrelated, but I read in your post where you and your ex still celebrate big events with your children together. Seriously, your kids are sooooo lucky that their parents can set their differences aside for their benefit. I know that my work jades me a little, but your selfless actions definitely represent a minority of blended families. You should be proud that you can give them this gift. (I'm sorry, I've just processed one too many divorces lately.)

                  In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                  • #10
                    Hi Kelly,

                    Thanks. Are you a divorce attorney? I'm not real sure what everyone does yet.

                    Divorce is hard. My ex & I agreed that we would never put our daughters in the middle. We used a mediator for our divorce. When we knew our marriage was over, we went to a marriage counselor and asked her to help us divorce in the least destructive way possible. It is sad that it was just too late for us, but it is amazing how well we get along now. Most people didn't even know we were divorced, because when it comes to our girls we are always together. I don't take my husband with me and my ex doesn't bring a girlfriend with him to our children's activities.

                    So far this has worked. I think when he is dating someone new they have a problem with him being so friendly with me. He & I usually meet every two weeks for coffee and to just talk about the kids, etc. When they realize I'm married and no threat it is OK. Life is too short to make your children suffer. I think I quuoted Jackie Kennedy before here, "It doesn't matter what you do in life, if you haven't done a good job of raising your children"

                    This is quite a rambling post, sorry.

                    wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                    "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                    • #11

                      I am a staff attorney for a judge. Before becoming a judge, my boss practiced in the area of civil litigation, so she generally works on all of the civil cases. This is great for me because I hate this area. In turn, I research and write most the criminal cases and a lot of the family law cases. It is a sad commentary on our society, but the family law cases account for about 1/2 of our time.

                      I know that I am jaded because I see the cases that go to trial and do not settle, thus indicating that the individuals still have a lot of unresolved issues. However, I'm getting to the point where I believe that more kids are growing up in dysfunctional homes than functional ones.

                      To tie this into the context of my medical marriage, my hubby and I are both getting cynical about society because of what he sees. He gets a little burnt out spending his entire weekend saving someone who blew themselves up while manufacturing methamphetamine just as I get burnt out by what I see everyday. We work really hard to be as "normal" as possible, but it is difficult.

                      This post probably is way off the topic of parenting, but I wanted to respond.... Sorry!

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #12

                        Your job sounds very interesting, exciting and VERY stressful. How do you keep a level head?

                        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                        • #13
                          Who said anything about a level head?

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #14
                            We start school on Tuesday..and I bought the disposable camera for Andrew...Finny is still too young....I'm really nervous for them...and suddenly, I don't want the summer to end...isn't that crazy? I've been counting down the days, and now that it is here, I don't want them to go!!!!

                            We had their open house last week, and got to meet their teachers, find their desks etc...and it really took me back. Do you get nostalgic about your own school days when you go into the kids' schools? I really felt good about Andrew's 1st grade teacher....she seemed to really take time with the students...and she took pictures of all of the kids with their families for a class photo album that she works the end of the year, the kids will each get an album to take home...that seemed neat...and Andrew gets a LOCKER! I couldn't believe it! They are these teeny little lockers...and Tuesday he will get to pick out his own....he is so excited.

                            I feel so nervous for I might end up standing outside of the school walking from class to class with Alex in tow peeking through the windows

                            You think that might look a bit suspicious


