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Rotten Mother!

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  • Rotten Mother!

    I feel SO bad. Jacob came home from school crying today and he was really upset with me. He had taken a math test a few days ago and he didn't do well on it. His assignment was to go over it with his parents, have them sign it and return the test. Well... Russ went over it with Jacob but didn't know that he was supposed to sign anything and I TOTALLY forgot about it. Jacob had to write a letter as to why he didn't have us sign it and then he wasn't able to go to "Friday Special" (which is usually an extra recess or a movie for doing well all week). He had to sit in a room by himself for 45 minutes and read a book while his friends were playing. I feel AWFUL! It was completely my fault. Jacob is so responsible almost to a fault. He thinks he has to go to detention on Monday but that is only if we don't sign the test. I have already signed it and I am writing a letter to his teacher. Actually, Jacob wants his Dad to write a letter because he thinks Dad has more clout than mom!

    Anyway... just had to share my sad tale.


  • #2
    I just have a second online, but I just have to respond to this!!! Good Grief, Robin...I'm upset with the teacher...I think it is soooo mean to put him in a room by himself and make him read for 45 minutes while his classmates had fun....because his parents didn't sign the test???? Did he tell the teacher that he showed it to his dad and he didn't realize that his dad hadn't signed it? Did she try talking to your dh before punishing your poor little guy??? I'm so upset about this...I think you should have a special Sunday Fun Day just for him

    Can you tell I'm personalizing his whole little drama? I'm sorry that you feel like the bad aren't...blame it all on dad!



    • #3
      I agree with Kris. This is a horrible assignment.

      wife, mother, nurse practitioner

      "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


      • #4
        i find that astonishing. incredible. have you spoken with this teacher? is s/he on a serious power control trip?


        • #5
          I know that the teacher looks like she is on a power trip but, she REALLY is a good teacher. HONEST! I have a lot of respect for her. The kids listen to her, like her and learn so much from her. She has set rules and is very black and white about them so the kids do know where they stand up front. If an assignment doesn't get done, they can't go to Friday Special period. It just so happened that it was on Friday that Jacob didn't turn in his signed test, so Jacob didn't have a chance to get us to sign it before Friday Special. Because it was an assignment that he had to write in his folder, it was considered his responsibility. I understand how it happened and I even can understand her not letting it slide because then she would have to let other things slide too with the other kids. We just wanted to make sure she knew that it wasn't Jacob not showing us the test (which he was very tempted to do!) and that it was our fault not his. He takes things so PERSONALLY. If he was like his friend in the class, this would have been no big deal. But, Jacob is so sensitive that it was huge for him. Gosh ... I wonder where he gets that from?!!!!! I think the letter Russ wrote was more for Jacob than it was for the teacher. I am sure that Jacob didn't get detention and I don't think he was ever going to. I think it was what he thought was going to happen next.

          It is amazing we get through these years of raising children. No wonder my mom went gray so young! I will be lucky not to get an ulcer!!!!

          Thanks for all the comments.


          Anyway... I haven't heard yet from the teacher. Jacob should be home in a little bit and I am curious to see what she had to say.


          • #6
            OK...well, I'll forgive the teacher just this once So did she say anything about the letter?



            • #7
              The teacher laughed at the letter because under Russ' signature he wrote "Father in the dog house." She didn't write a note back and Jacob is not great at remembering details of conversations but he was very happy when he came home so .... until the next bump in the educational road....


              One pooped mom!!!


              • #8
                Any gray hairs yet, mom?


