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    hi everyone! sorry i haven't even read through the posts yet -- just have to ask this now before i have a complete meltdown:

    today (saturday) i received a letter from the grad school that says "due to criteria blah blah blah, i am academically ineligible to return in january and may not continue my studies" CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY WOULD SEND A LETTER OUT LIKE THAT IN THREE SHORT PARAGRAPHS?

    so, naturally, i am completely freaking out right now.

    and it is #*&*#&$ SATURDAY of new year's weekend so who knows when i will be able to talk to someone!!!

    anyone know what is going on or what i can do? i am thinking it is because i received an "L" in a course that i was making up from last fall which is a required course in our department but it is my ONLY "L" so far in the whole program!!! oh, wow -- please help!!

    on top of that, i tried on my wedding dress thursday morning and burst into tears because it was so NOT what i thought it would be and my mom and sister agreed. so thursday night was a rainstorm of tears and friday we looked all day and found THE perfect dress and bought it -- and now, this news.

    oh my gosh.

  • #2
    hi everyone! sorry i haven't even read through the posts yet -- just have to ask this now before i have a complete meltdown:

    today (saturday) i received a letter from the grad school that says "due to criteria blah blah blah, i am academically ineligible to return in january and may not continue my studies" CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY WOULD SEND A LETTER OUT LIKE THAT IN THREE SHORT PARAGRAPHS?

    so, naturally, i am completely freaking out right now.

    and it is #*&*#&$ SATURDAY of new year's weekend so who knows when i will be able to talk to someone!!!

    anyone know what is going on or what i can do? i am thinking it is because i received an "L" in a course that i was making up from last fall which is a required course in our department but it is my ONLY "L" so far in the whole program!!! oh, wow -- please help!!

    on top of that, i tried on my wedding dress thursday morning and burst into tears because it was so NOT what i thought it would be and my mom and sister agreed. so thursday night was a rainstorm of tears and friday we looked all day and found THE perfect dress and bought it -- and now, this news.

    oh my gosh.


    • #3
      hi everyone! sorry i haven't even read through the posts yet -- just have to ask this now before i have a complete meltdown:

      today (saturday) i received a letter from the grad school that says "due to criteria blah blah blah, i am academically ineligible to return in january and may not continue my studies" CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY WOULD SEND A LETTER OUT LIKE THAT IN THREE SHORT PARAGRAPHS?

      so, naturally, i am completely freaking out right now.

      and it is #*&*#&$ SATURDAY of new year's weekend so who knows when i will be able to talk to someone!!!

      anyone know what is going on or what i can do? i am thinking it is because i received an "L" in a course that i was making up from last fall which is a required course in our department but it is my ONLY "L" so far in the whole program!!! oh, wow -- please help!!

      on top of that, i tried on my wedding dress thursday morning and burst into tears because it was so NOT what i thought it would be and my mom and sister agreed. so thursday night was a rainstorm of tears and friday we looked all day and found THE perfect dress and bought it -- and now, this news.

      oh my gosh.


      • #4
        OMG....that is just terrible!!I wish i could help or give you some advise but i have no idea what is going on either.It's just too bad you have to wait so long before you can even call them to find out whats going on....that DOES sux!!And now your wedding dress...i know how upset that must make you too.Like my grandmother says...when it rains it pours!just try not to think and worry about it till you can call and find out what and why and maybe you can even get it all worked out.As for the wedding dress...what date is the wedding??Maybe you'll get that worked out too but i know all this stress must be driving you nuts!I'm sure i'd be freaking now too if it were me.Hang in there and don't freak till you see whats really going on.I sure hope you get it worked out!



        • #5
          OMG....that is just terrible!!I wish i could help or give you some advise but i have no idea what is going on either.It's just too bad you have to wait so long before you can even call them to find out whats going on....that DOES sux!!And now your wedding dress...i know how upset that must make you too.Like my grandmother says...when it rains it pours!just try not to think and worry about it till you can call and find out what and why and maybe you can even get it all worked out.As for the wedding dress...what date is the wedding??Maybe you'll get that worked out too but i know all this stress must be driving you nuts!I'm sure i'd be freaking now too if it were me.Hang in there and don't freak till you see whats really going on.I sure hope you get it worked out!



          • #6
            OMG....that is just terrible!!I wish i could help or give you some advise but i have no idea what is going on either.It's just too bad you have to wait so long before you can even call them to find out whats going on....that DOES sux!!And now your wedding dress...i know how upset that must make you too.Like my grandmother says...when it rains it pours!just try not to think and worry about it till you can call and find out what and why and maybe you can even get it all worked out.As for the wedding dress...what date is the wedding??Maybe you'll get that worked out too but i know all this stress must be driving you nuts!I'm sure i'd be freaking now too if it were me.Hang in there and don't freak till you see whats really going on.I sure hope you get it worked out!



            • #7

              thanx you!! i found the phone number for the director of our program and called her tonight - i just couldn't wait until tuesday, i would have collapsed!

              anyway, she said it was a total mistake and everything is fine - it was a miscommunication on the part of the whole graduate school and they fixed it, but had already sent out a letter! how nice, eh? so fortunately (and unfortunately! ha!), i will return to school next week for one more lovely semester!

              the wedding. . .actually things really did work out soooo wonderfully! i just couldn't take another big stress this week. my parents and sister and i talked about the "bad" dress on thursday night and looked through magazines and stuff -- so on friday my mom and sister and i went looking for seven hours and found it. it's sooooo beautiful - it is the perfect dream dress. and my mom and sis loved it, so we bought it. it should come in a few months. i'm going to try and pay for as much of it as i can once the paychecks start rolling in again in january b/c i feel guilty for buying two (although, *thankfully* we had not paid for the first one completely, just a deposit) but it's now *the* dress. the wedding is almost seven months away and i am starting to panic. i had everything under control and was sooo cool about it and then i realized wow! soon it will be six months, then five, then four, etc.!!! and then i'll be married!

              soooooooo, how was everyone's holiday??

              take care!


              • #8

                thanx you!! i found the phone number for the director of our program and called her tonight - i just couldn't wait until tuesday, i would have collapsed!

                anyway, she said it was a total mistake and everything is fine - it was a miscommunication on the part of the whole graduate school and they fixed it, but had already sent out a letter! how nice, eh? so fortunately (and unfortunately! ha!), i will return to school next week for one more lovely semester!

                the wedding. . .actually things really did work out soooo wonderfully! i just couldn't take another big stress this week. my parents and sister and i talked about the "bad" dress on thursday night and looked through magazines and stuff -- so on friday my mom and sister and i went looking for seven hours and found it. it's sooooo beautiful - it is the perfect dream dress. and my mom and sis loved it, so we bought it. it should come in a few months. i'm going to try and pay for as much of it as i can once the paychecks start rolling in again in january b/c i feel guilty for buying two (although, *thankfully* we had not paid for the first one completely, just a deposit) but it's now *the* dress. the wedding is almost seven months away and i am starting to panic. i had everything under control and was sooo cool about it and then i realized wow! soon it will be six months, then five, then four, etc.!!! and then i'll be married!

                soooooooo, how was everyone's holiday??

                take care!


                • #9

                  thanx you!! i found the phone number for the director of our program and called her tonight - i just couldn't wait until tuesday, i would have collapsed!

                  anyway, she said it was a total mistake and everything is fine - it was a miscommunication on the part of the whole graduate school and they fixed it, but had already sent out a letter! how nice, eh? so fortunately (and unfortunately! ha!), i will return to school next week for one more lovely semester!

                  the wedding. . .actually things really did work out soooo wonderfully! i just couldn't take another big stress this week. my parents and sister and i talked about the "bad" dress on thursday night and looked through magazines and stuff -- so on friday my mom and sister and i went looking for seven hours and found it. it's sooooo beautiful - it is the perfect dream dress. and my mom and sis loved it, so we bought it. it should come in a few months. i'm going to try and pay for as much of it as i can once the paychecks start rolling in again in january b/c i feel guilty for buying two (although, *thankfully* we had not paid for the first one completely, just a deposit) but it's now *the* dress. the wedding is almost seven months away and i am starting to panic. i had everything under control and was sooo cool about it and then i realized wow! soon it will be six months, then five, then four, etc.!!! and then i'll be married!

                  soooooooo, how was everyone's holiday??

                  take care!


                  • #10
                    Claudia...i am soooooooo glad it was a mistake!!It's just such a shame you had to go thru all that stress and worry.After all these years i have learned not to worry till i know i have something to worry about.Easier said then done i know..But thank God your back in school!!!

                    And it looks like the wedding dress mistake has helped you find your REAL dream wedding dress!!I think everything happens for a reason.But don't stress now about the got 7whole months to go.You sound to me like your do know what your doing and i bet you put together a beautiful wedding!Have you found the online wedding planning sites yet??They are great.Tells ya how and what to plan months ahead of time and has a monthly count down for you.My Xmas was wonderful....considering how stressed and hetic phill and i were.LOL How was yours??



                    • #11
                      Claudia...i am soooooooo glad it was a mistake!!It's just such a shame you had to go thru all that stress and worry.After all these years i have learned not to worry till i know i have something to worry about.Easier said then done i know..But thank God your back in school!!!

                      And it looks like the wedding dress mistake has helped you find your REAL dream wedding dress!!I think everything happens for a reason.But don't stress now about the got 7whole months to go.You sound to me like your do know what your doing and i bet you put together a beautiful wedding!Have you found the online wedding planning sites yet??They are great.Tells ya how and what to plan months ahead of time and has a monthly count down for you.My Xmas was wonderful....considering how stressed and hetic phill and i were.LOL How was yours??



                      • #12
                        Claudia...i am soooooooo glad it was a mistake!!It's just such a shame you had to go thru all that stress and worry.After all these years i have learned not to worry till i know i have something to worry about.Easier said then done i know..But thank God your back in school!!!

                        And it looks like the wedding dress mistake has helped you find your REAL dream wedding dress!!I think everything happens for a reason.But don't stress now about the got 7whole months to go.You sound to me like your do know what your doing and i bet you put together a beautiful wedding!Have you found the online wedding planning sites yet??They are great.Tells ya how and what to plan months ahead of time and has a monthly count down for you.My Xmas was wonderful....considering how stressed and hetic phill and i were.LOL How was yours??



                        • #13
                          Claudia- I have been reading your posts.... wow, I hate that when you get mail on the weekends and you can't do anything about it until the next business day. Yuck. I hate university red tape!

                          I am glad that you found the right wedding dress. When I was picking up my wedding dress last June another girl had the same problem you had. It can really be nerve-wracking waiting for your dress to show up. I ordered mine with a different neckline, added length and a longer train (from a sweep train to chapel length)so I had no idea what it would look like until I picked up it. Luckily it turned out fabulous. The more comfortable you are in your dress that day will make a big difference in you feel.

                          7 months will go by fast, but it really is a lot of time. I panicked in the end because I thought everything wouldn't get done, but once I started prioritizing and taking one thing at a time it went a lot faster.

                          Congrats on everything working out and have fun in school this semester. Your last one? Yeah! It will be such a good feeling to finish school and get married. All the changes can be overwhelming but are so worth it!

                          Take care.


                          • #14
                            Claudia- I have been reading your posts.... wow, I hate that when you get mail on the weekends and you can't do anything about it until the next business day. Yuck. I hate university red tape!

                            I am glad that you found the right wedding dress. When I was picking up my wedding dress last June another girl had the same problem you had. It can really be nerve-wracking waiting for your dress to show up. I ordered mine with a different neckline, added length and a longer train (from a sweep train to chapel length)so I had no idea what it would look like until I picked up it. Luckily it turned out fabulous. The more comfortable you are in your dress that day will make a big difference in you feel.

                            7 months will go by fast, but it really is a lot of time. I panicked in the end because I thought everything wouldn't get done, but once I started prioritizing and taking one thing at a time it went a lot faster.

                            Congrats on everything working out and have fun in school this semester. Your last one? Yeah! It will be such a good feeling to finish school and get married. All the changes can be overwhelming but are so worth it!

                            Take care.


                            • #15
                              Claudia- I have been reading your posts.... wow, I hate that when you get mail on the weekends and you can't do anything about it until the next business day. Yuck. I hate university red tape!

                              I am glad that you found the right wedding dress. When I was picking up my wedding dress last June another girl had the same problem you had. It can really be nerve-wracking waiting for your dress to show up. I ordered mine with a different neckline, added length and a longer train (from a sweep train to chapel length)so I had no idea what it would look like until I picked up it. Luckily it turned out fabulous. The more comfortable you are in your dress that day will make a big difference in you feel.

                              7 months will go by fast, but it really is a lot of time. I panicked in the end because I thought everything wouldn't get done, but once I started prioritizing and taking one thing at a time it went a lot faster.

                              Congrats on everything working out and have fun in school this semester. Your last one? Yeah! It will be such a good feeling to finish school and get married. All the changes can be overwhelming but are so worth it!

                              Take care.

