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Sleeping Doctors

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  • Sleeping Doctors

    In addition to all the weird dreams and such, don't you find your doctor spouses sleep WAY too much when they are home? My husband is becoming a permanent part of our sofa, and sometimes I want to just roll that thing into another room! He can fall asleep at any time, even when the kids are playing right in the same room...

  • #2
    In addition to all the weird dreams and such, don't you find your doctor spouses sleep WAY too much when they are home? My husband is becoming a permanent part of our sofa, and sometimes I want to just roll that thing into another room! He can fall asleep at any time, even when the kids are playing right in the same room...


    • #3
      In addition to all the weird dreams and such, don't you find your doctor spouses sleep WAY too much when they are home? My husband is becoming a permanent part of our sofa, and sometimes I want to just roll that thing into another room! He can fall asleep at any time, even when the kids are playing right in the same room...


      • #4 mite be on to something here...Phill also does the foot and leg thing...i have the scratches and bruises to prove it!LOLNow he does it in the bed right next to me and slams his foot down hard into nothing...cept my foot if it's there!My he started out with one foot on the floor and over the last 20years has learned to jump out of bed just as fast with his feet in the bed??And the bad dreams???Just about everynite!It's not bad enough they do it all day they even dream it and have one foot ready to go!



        • #5
 mite be on to something here...Phill also does the foot and leg thing...i have the scratches and bruises to prove it!LOLNow he does it in the bed right next to me and slams his foot down hard into nothing...cept my foot if it's there!My he started out with one foot on the floor and over the last 20years has learned to jump out of bed just as fast with his feet in the bed??And the bad dreams???Just about everynite!It's not bad enough they do it all day they even dream it and have one foot ready to go!



          • #6
   mite be on to something here...Phill also does the foot and leg thing...i have the scratches and bruises to prove it!LOLNow he does it in the bed right next to me and slams his foot down hard into nothing...cept my foot if it's there!My he started out with one foot on the floor and over the last 20years has learned to jump out of bed just as fast with his feet in the bed??And the bad dreams???Just about everynite!It's not bad enough they do it all day they even dream it and have one foot ready to go!



            • #7
              wow ladies we had one of those weekends when he was off and was exhausted--I normally have no problem with him sleeping as it makes me feel better that he is at least home and not at the nut house, however this weekend I was crabby--having missed him alot during this rotation, and wanting some time with him to hang out on the couch just be together and he was of course exhausted. I was grumpy of course at the residency and he informed me later that evening that I had ruined his day off. I was pretty hurt by that comment. My heart aches alot for him and I try as hard as I can to be upbeat and supportive, and then I have a bad day, granted on his day off, but I did feel badly.

              Blah Blah Blah--Gosh I am really having a down day today

              Glad that Kris is back though


              • #8
                wow ladies we had one of those weekends when he was off and was exhausted--I normally have no problem with him sleeping as it makes me feel better that he is at least home and not at the nut house, however this weekend I was crabby--having missed him alot during this rotation, and wanting some time with him to hang out on the couch just be together and he was of course exhausted. I was grumpy of course at the residency and he informed me later that evening that I had ruined his day off. I was pretty hurt by that comment. My heart aches alot for him and I try as hard as I can to be upbeat and supportive, and then I have a bad day, granted on his day off, but I did feel badly.

                Blah Blah Blah--Gosh I am really having a down day today

                Glad that Kris is back though


                • #9
                  wow ladies we had one of those weekends when he was off and was exhausted--I normally have no problem with him sleeping as it makes me feel better that he is at least home and not at the nut house, however this weekend I was crabby--having missed him alot during this rotation, and wanting some time with him to hang out on the couch just be together and he was of course exhausted. I was grumpy of course at the residency and he informed me later that evening that I had ruined his day off. I was pretty hurt by that comment. My heart aches alot for him and I try as hard as I can to be upbeat and supportive, and then I have a bad day, granted on his day off, but I did feel badly.

                  Blah Blah Blah--Gosh I am really having a down day today

                  Glad that Kris is back though


                  • #10
                    Awwwww Jason....i alway feel so sad when i read how hard it is for you somedays.I'm sitting here wracking my brain to think what kind of motherly advise do i have to offer?The main thing Jason is that your entitled to feel like you do.Sure Daniel may have it hard...but so do you!A relationship is TWO people and for it to work both must be nurtured and cared for...not just one.Forget the fact that he is going to be a doctor and tell him your relationship is right up at the top with as far as being important.Since he doesn't have as much free time as people with other jobs or going to school it is up to him to MAKE time for you and the relationship.Be it once a week or month or whatever he needs to make time just for YOU because you also have needs and they have to be taken care of also.The time could be just to talk,or snuggle, or whatever it takes to make YOU feel loved.Don't be afraid to tell him that you missed him all week long and couldn't wait to spend quality time with him this weekend.I think being honest is very important in a relationship...if if that means you saying something he doesn't want to hear.If he knows your saying or agruing about it then at least he'll know it's out of love and missing him that your saying it.If you have to give into him thru all the years of cause he's just to tired then thats a lot of years of not being happy or getting your needs met.Plus thats how your life will start out once he IS a doctor.Just out of habit things stay the same.Phill comes home pretty exhausted some days but he knows what the rules are..meaning things we both agree is important to our marriage and he gives me my times and time that is just for us.We have both learned over the years that if you don't make *couple time...this is NO couple!So talk to Daniel and ask him...when CAN you give me time..just to be with him.Tell him thats all you want and you will hold him to that special time...and you'll look forward to that.Maybe something that simple can make a difference...i hope.



                    • #11
                      Awwwww Jason....i alway feel so sad when i read how hard it is for you somedays.I'm sitting here wracking my brain to think what kind of motherly advise do i have to offer?The main thing Jason is that your entitled to feel like you do.Sure Daniel may have it hard...but so do you!A relationship is TWO people and for it to work both must be nurtured and cared for...not just one.Forget the fact that he is going to be a doctor and tell him your relationship is right up at the top with as far as being important.Since he doesn't have as much free time as people with other jobs or going to school it is up to him to MAKE time for you and the relationship.Be it once a week or month or whatever he needs to make time just for YOU because you also have needs and they have to be taken care of also.The time could be just to talk,or snuggle, or whatever it takes to make YOU feel loved.Don't be afraid to tell him that you missed him all week long and couldn't wait to spend quality time with him this weekend.I think being honest is very important in a relationship...if if that means you saying something he doesn't want to hear.If he knows your saying or agruing about it then at least he'll know it's out of love and missing him that your saying it.If you have to give into him thru all the years of cause he's just to tired then thats a lot of years of not being happy or getting your needs met.Plus thats how your life will start out once he IS a doctor.Just out of habit things stay the same.Phill comes home pretty exhausted some days but he knows what the rules are..meaning things we both agree is important to our marriage and he gives me my times and time that is just for us.We have both learned over the years that if you don't make *couple time...this is NO couple!So talk to Daniel and ask him...when CAN you give me time..just to be with him.Tell him thats all you want and you will hold him to that special time...and you'll look forward to that.Maybe something that simple can make a difference...i hope.



                      • #12
                        Awwwww Jason....i alway feel so sad when i read how hard it is for you somedays.I'm sitting here wracking my brain to think what kind of motherly advise do i have to offer?The main thing Jason is that your entitled to feel like you do.Sure Daniel may have it hard...but so do you!A relationship is TWO people and for it to work both must be nurtured and cared for...not just one.Forget the fact that he is going to be a doctor and tell him your relationship is right up at the top with as far as being important.Since he doesn't have as much free time as people with other jobs or going to school it is up to him to MAKE time for you and the relationship.Be it once a week or month or whatever he needs to make time just for YOU because you also have needs and they have to be taken care of also.The time could be just to talk,or snuggle, or whatever it takes to make YOU feel loved.Don't be afraid to tell him that you missed him all week long and couldn't wait to spend quality time with him this weekend.I think being honest is very important in a relationship...if if that means you saying something he doesn't want to hear.If he knows your saying or agruing about it then at least he'll know it's out of love and missing him that your saying it.If you have to give into him thru all the years of cause he's just to tired then thats a lot of years of not being happy or getting your needs met.Plus thats how your life will start out once he IS a doctor.Just out of habit things stay the same.Phill comes home pretty exhausted some days but he knows what the rules are..meaning things we both agree is important to our marriage and he gives me my times and time that is just for us.We have both learned over the years that if you don't make *couple time...this is NO couple!So talk to Daniel and ask him...when CAN you give me time..just to be with him.Tell him thats all you want and you will hold him to that special time...and you'll look forward to that.Maybe something that simple can make a difference...i hope.


