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How do you take care of yourself?

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  • How do you take care of yourself?

    I was talking with some other SAHMs about the things that we do to meet our own needs and heard some interesting replies....

    I go to Curves every morning after I get my oldest off to school and work out for 30 minutes...this is really my only ME time and I enjoy it immensely...the exercise, other moms,'s really nice.

    I also give myself 1 hour/day to check message boards on diff. sites including this one....which is a fun way to communicate or throw about ideas...

    I take distance ed courses from diff. universities to have a fun goal to work on when the kids are in bed....

    anyone else?


  • #2
    I cruise the net in two "spurts" during the day.
    I workout as soon as the kids go to bed.
    I buy myself really nice energy bars (the kids don't get them, they are MY treat).
    I try to get out of the house (leave the kids with myhusband) a few times a week to just be alone (go to the mall, go to the fabric store, or even just run errands).



    • #3
      I don't have kids but when I do, the one thing I would want to do is sit in bed at night for a minimum of 20 minutes and read a book!


      • #4
        I put my kids in preschool (once they are about a year old) two or three days a week.

        I have hired a college student for five hours of sitting a week. I set up with her when I want her to come and she can count on a set amount of money each week.

        I read all the time (travel books are great!) and go to the library every couple of weeks to keep my "habit" supplied.

        My husband and I use the babysitter to go out to dinner once a week (I know this sounds like a marriage thing, but it really boosts my mood to get out with him alone -- it makes me feel like an interesting adult instead of a nursing, cooking, cleaning, laundry-doing drone).

        Every once in a while, if my husband is home and not on call, I just tell him I am going to the mall or whatever and I go and walk around and try to "find myself" -- this usually happens after I have been cooped up with sick kids for a few days.


        • #5
          I'm sorry to revive this..I was just rereading the posts and there really is some good advice here. Sally, I'm going to call the local universities today and find out what I can do about getting someone for a couple of hours a week for the summer. I feel so much better when I just have a short break for myself.

          Yesterday afternoon, Thomas sent me upstairs to take a nap (I was just so grouchy) and when I came down I felt sooooo much better! It really made a difference and I think part of it was just having the opportunity to be by myself for awhile !


