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  • Jem

    Well, unlike me
    you're kind of a noob
    the next post you make
    will be one hundred and two.

    Hopefully I drag this out for awhile
    saying some things that might make you smile.
    Maybe I'll think of a few witty puns.
    You and I have the same number of sons.

  • #2
    Re: Jem

    Perhaps you are busy
    Or you have gone away
    But I'm hoping that you
    will come back and play.

    I've been posting on the iMSN
    Blabbering and typing again and again
    There is much about this life I don't know
    We're fairly new to this med education show.


    • #3
      Re: Jem

      The last part of that rhyme sucked. But it's still a hint.


      • #4
        Re: Jem

        so it looks like your off the hook for having to buy a gift
        Too bad Jem went MIA.


        • #5
          Re: Jem

          Originally posted by pinkpickles
          so it looks like your off the hook for having to buy a gift
          Too bad Jem went MIA.
          I was MIA big time and I apologize for that. I have been so busy with work and life in general that I haven't had time to come here and play. Can you please forgive me?


          • #6
            Re: Jem


            There are absolutely no hard feelings....don't give it another thought. Your secret santa was taken care of. Sometimes life just gets in the way. We all understand that.

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


            • #7
              Re: Jem

              Just saw this and wanted to say
              your gift will soon be on its way

              I have to run, I hope that's fine
              I have to bathe some kids (not mine)

              That was a quick hint for you
              do you have any guesses to make from my clue........s?

              I live far from you, winter here is the best
              but I get annoyed when people say we're in the midwest

              We are not quite but a few of us make
              up the states that border a Great Lake.

