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kelly/house elf

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  • kelly/house elf

    do we have to rhyme?
    really, do we?
    I may not make it...
    May not truly...

    I was so pleased to pick Kelly,
    AKA house elf,
    But now I am quite
    Beside myself

    I do not know what
    She would like to receive,
    And mindreading is not...
    My talent...

    I am a mother, busy, dealing currently with kids home from school, running amok, hitting each other with random leftover glow sticks from Halloween's remnants.

  • #2
    Re: kelly/house elf

    Goody, goody, goody, goody! I loooove playing this game.

    Hmm...employing the word "pithy" leads me to think Greymatterwife, Auspicious, Ladybug, Flynn, Nellie, and a handful of others.

    Having a handful of "blessings" whacking each other with glow sticks conjures up imagery from posts by myself (and I'm pretty sure I didn't write this), Peggy, Kris, Nellie, Matt (although I had him last year...and what are the chances) and Jenn Patel. Alternatively, children could be a euphemism for physicians engaged in pedantic glow stick-whacking games to pass the time on a slow call night.

    Of course, you could just be throwing me off with false clues.

    Tell me more, tell me more, I didn't get very far...
    Tell me more, tell me more, like do you have a car?

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


    • #3
      Re: kelly/house elf

      Silly goose, of course I have a car
      In fact, we have two.

      Sometimes two is not enough
      Because neither is new.

      Currently my car, the larger one,
      Won't start dependably
      So guess where we're headed next time hubby is off?
      Yes, at the car shop we'll be.

      As to the other suppositions you make,
      Perhaps you are over-analytical
      Sometimes a glow stick is only a glow stick,
      And moms aren't that metaphorical.

      My house, you may guess,
      Is usually a mess,
      Partly due to its size.

      It's small indeed,
      But the fault is with me,
      For cleaning I do despise.


      • #4
        Re: kelly/house elf

        Now to offer you another clue
        In the form of poetry called haiku.

        my young daughter draws
        like Picasso and declares
        her work beautiful.

        my husband tries to
        do the dishes each morning
        before leaving home.

        I drink coffee all
        morning long and I never
        get caffeine jitters.

        my youngest son now
        sits on my lap trying to
        push all the buttons.

        you are so clever
        I don't want to say too much
        or the game will end.


        • #5
          Re: kelly/house elf


          Errr..."Tell me more, tell me more" was an obscure reference to Grease. I have this nerdy affliction of referencing random pop culture and only amusing myself.

          Hmmmm...multiple children of both children, eh? A fellow coffee addict? We *must* be friends. Whose medical spouse actually does dishes? This is the showstopping clue for me. BTW, do you have and advice for this sort of thing, apparently a boot-up-the-butt isn't that persuasive and only considered nagging. <sigh>

          I don't know who you are dear Santa. Daniel Craig, is that you?

          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


          • #6
            Re: kelly/house elf

            I really don't know anything about musicals. I apologize... The last time we watched a musical DH fell asleep after about 2 minutes and refuses to even consider the option. The closest we come to a musical is the lovely background music of "high school musical" that overtook our house a summer or two ago.

            Alas, the dishes ritual began long before the medical school adventure. We had recently given birth to...

            twin babies

            and I couldn't handle it all, so I instituted the dishes rule. Now that we are

            done with medical school and in training

            he still does the dishes most of the time, becuase if he doesn't, well... I guess that would screw up the space-time continuum. Speaking of time travel, did you know that one of my favorite shows is


            Finally, some haikus about my children whom I didn't mention earlier for which I have been feeling very filled with mommy guilt....

            My oldest daughter
            draws constantly and will not
            do her math homework.

            My oldest son is
            fascinated by math but
            refuses to draw.

            Kelly-- Now do you know who I am?
            I am, in fact, YOUR biggest FAN!!!

            I love you! You are an awesome lady and I hope you write books and books and books someday!


            • #7
              Re: kelly/house elf

              No, I love you more, Peggy.

              In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


              • #8
                Re: kelly/house elf

                Awwww, shucks! I knew I could end it all early on with referring to the math wars!!!


                Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                • #9
                  Re: kelly/house elf

                  Kelly! The gift is in the mail... Priority so... maybe it'll get there in 2 days??

                  Let me know!

                  Since you didn't specify anything you wanted ( :tsk: ) I just sent things that I like.

                  Seriously, I hope you like it.

                  Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                  • #10
                    Re: kelly/house elf

                    To me the gift is the game of figuring out who you are. Seriously.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      Re: kelly/house elf

                      Thank you so much for the spa lotions and book! I love L'Engle and I haven't read this title yet!

                      Merry Christmas!

                      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                      • #12
                        Re: kelly/house elf

                        Phew! I knew you were a children's lit "whore" (I mean that in a nice way!)-- I'm glad you haven't read this one!

                        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

