The names have been matched...and barring anymore mistakes on my part <ahem> everyone should have only one name assigned to them. Hopefully, you have not been assigned yourself <ahem again> and only were given one person to be secret santa for <hangs head in shame! LOL>
Give your secret santa fun clues as to your identity. Don't forget to logout to play. If you're unsure of how it works, check in the earlier secret santa forums. You should list the person assigned to you in the subject of a post and then provide as many hints as necessary until they guess your identity. Please mail your gifts out by December 9th!
Give your secret santa fun clues as to your identity. Don't forget to logout to play. If you're unsure of how it works, check in the earlier secret santa forums. You should list the person assigned to you in the subject of a post and then provide as many hints as necessary until they guess your identity. Please mail your gifts out by December 9th!