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  • Mrs_B2B/Jane

    The holly green, the ivy green
    where I live, this is not the scene
    The trees are white, the ground is cold
    This Christmas in iMSNey
    With all of the folks at home

    It's nice, you know, to get to know
    all of the people here.
    I've been here awhile, have kids (I say with a smile)
    but I wish the weather would go!

    The door is always open
    Friends and neighbors pay a call
    And my hubby dear comes walzing in
    after spending all day in the hospital

    How grand it feels to click your heels
    And join in the fun of the Weblogs and Debates
    I'm handing you no blarney
    The likes you've never known
    Is Christmas in iMSNey
    With all of the folks you know.

  • #2
    I have no idea!! hmmm no green ivy or holly, hmmmm yet snow hmmmm

    definately need more clues :santa:


    • #3
      Oh, the Garvaghy Road at Christmas is delightful,
      in the summer I found it to be a tad bit frightful,
      <and my daughter finds her irish name downright spiteful>
      and since I left ireland long ago
      I live in snow, white snow, wet snow.

      We saw Toy Story at Centre Pointe,
      spent time at Craigavon area hospital, Lurgan and also in Banbridge ;
      One thing I know for sure is the Irish have hearts of Gold,
      Now I live in snow, white snow, wet snow.



      • #4

        'Twas the night before Christmas, and all through our house
        every creature was stirring, except the poor mouse; (who we sadly found resting in peace under our bed yesterday....those cats of ours, oy vey!)

        The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
        but they didn't last long with our toddler on the tear;

        The children were not nestled all snug in their beds,
        instead, they were laughing and waiting for Santa instead;

        But I, in my worn out t-shirt, and dad in his boxers,
        Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
        When in front of our bedroom door there arose such a clatter,
        I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.

        Away to the hall I flew like a flash,
        Tore open the door and I nearly did crash...
        into our children who were sneaking downstairs for a peek
        at the gifts and shiny objects below,

        When, what to my weary and sleep-deprived eyes should appear,
        But candy canes and chocolates in their hands I fear,

        Me, the little old mother, not so lively and quick,
        I knew in a moment they had already been down to see St. Nick.

        More rapid than eagles (and more energetic than tasmanian devils) they came,
        bounding back to their bedrooms and then called me by name;

        "Hey Mom, did you know I have 3 gifts from santa!
        Hey Mom, you have coal in your stocking!
        Where is Santa right now, can we get on the computer and check?"

        "Now dash away! dash away! To bed with you all"

        I muttered, then turned and smiled about the magic of it all.

        One day I hope that they will remember,
        the joy of these days,
        and remember the sleigh full of toys, St. Nicholas, and dear old mom too.

        And then, as I laid down to finally get some rest,
        I heard in their rooms
        The prancing and pawing of each little goof.

        As I laid my head on the pillow, and was just drifting off,
        I remembered I hadn't packed dear hubby's gifts.

        I put on old slippers and hubby's old robe,
        and I went to the garage and trudged past the dirt;

        As I stumbled back into the house,
        and looked for the last bits of wrapping paper, I wished that these days would be here forever.


        • #5
          WOW I'm so impressed!!!

          Hmm I have an idea or two, narrowing down all the irish on the site


          • #6
            It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
            the first snow was here last week;
            Sure it's melted away today, but I'm sure soon it will be here to stay
            to keep me cold and shivering during the holidays!

            It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas,
            I've got most of my shopping done,
            In addition, I must confess, I put up my singing santa
            right near my own front door.

            A couple of trucks and a nintendo wii
            will satisfy the boys;
            A doll that will talk and a gift card to clothing shop
            will add to the joy for the girls;

            And Mom and Dad can hardly wait for family to come again.

            It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
            Ev'rywhere you go;
            There's a tree on my neighbor's porch, one in her house as well,
            of course they have been lit since before halloween.

            It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas;
            Soon the pond will freeze,
            And the kids will make snowmen and sled
            Right within our yard.

   username is a clue too!


            • #7
              I'm stump, I've absolutely no idea who you are!!

              I was convinced it was flynn but now i'm thrown!


              • #8
                I KNOW I KNOW!!


                • #9
                  ahh no I've no idea, I've been going through everybodies avatars to see if that name was above anybodies but I haven't found it yet!


                  • #10
                    What secret santa is this, who, went away
                    while all of the other secret santas still came out to play?
                    Whom imsn members greet,
                    in the debate forum about elections to speak? Hillary or Rice? 2008!

                    This, this is guilty secret santa,
                    Who hasn't left a clue and who hasn't yet been shopping:
                    Haste, haste to the stores I must run,
                    The secret santa, who hasn't been much fun!

                    So I'll send you a package right to your front door,
                    From New York I am West,but I can't tell you more.

                    The secret santa clue that will mean most to you,
                    My cupboards are now bright and shiny.

                    Raise, raise this song on high,
                    your secret santa has returned, it's not a lie:
                    Joy, joy, for a gift will soon come,
                    The gift from your imsn secret santa!


                    • #11
                      It's baby's first Christmas,
                      for our little caboose, you see,
                      Mommy and Daddy,
                      Trimmin' baby's Christmas tree.
                      Baby's big brothers,
                      are busy with their toys,
                      Baby's big sister,
                      is making lots of noise!

                      It's baby's first Christmas,
                      And oh, what a joy,
                      Shopping all around,
                      For some warm christmas socks.
                      It's a very special Christmas,
                      A miracle from above,
                      It's baby's first Christmas,
                      A Christmas full of love!


                      • #12
                        Ok I'm going to make a guess.

                        Is Minnisota in the mid west?

                        If so is it Laura?


                        • #13
                          Is it Kris? :santasleigh:


                          • #14
                            Kris, the slacker elf. I started out so full of steam, too....and then I just couldn't think of more clues....I wanted to keep being creative and I didn't feel creative so I kept telling myself "I'll write another clue tomorrow". Something is on its way, but it was sent to your US address with Ciaran. I'm kind of panicked about that now trying to figure out if you are going to be going back with all of the pregnancy issues etc. If not, hopefully Ciaran will send it on to you?????

                            Ho Ho Ho...I'm just sorry for letting you down there in the end.

                            My daughter, btw, was born in Craigavon Area Hospital....She is Amanda Fionnuala and I call her Finny (or Finny Foo Foo if I really want to get her going :> )

                            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
                            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


                            • #15
                              Your clues where so cool!! I'm just terrible with clues, you should see me trying to do an easy crossword in the paper, it takes me weeks !!

                              I will be back over in April but Ciaran will be home inFebruary and he'll send it on anyway once he gets a chance to pick up his post. Thank you so much for all the effort you put in!

                              Hmm I like the name fionnula, i might put that on our list of girls names, which is actually only name at the moment

