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DS is sick again :(

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  • DS is sick again :(

    My poor baby has tonsilitis, most likely caused by strep my sister has given the rest of the family. poor little thing hasn't even complained wiht it but thought it was odd that he asked me to bring his brek up to him and I came up and he was back asleep again and then i could smell it, you know that septic smell someone gets when they have tonsilitis, it horrid, so i brought him to the doctor after i got his temp down and the doctor could believe how good DS's spirit was because is tonsilis are extremly swollen and full of puss...the dude was eating crisps this morning!!

    He's such a brave soldier, i hate seeing him on yet another antibiotic, and he doesn't even complain about it.

    I hate this time of year it always seems to be one bug after another, next thing will be the winter vomiting bug, thats already shut down a lot of hospital wards here!

  • #2
    That stinks!!!!
    Good thoughts for your little munchkin....our 10 year old had his taken out 2 years ago and our 9 year old goes in for surgery (to get them "pulled out" according to the DS1, "they must pull 'em out and that's why it hurts so much after)Valentine's Day ....does he at least like popsicles and jello and "stuff" ?


    • #3
      I asked for them to be whipped out when he was having grommits in at 14 months the ENT surgeon said no way as he did't weigh enough for them to do it, they will only do it once he was over 15kg. I just know myself my ears and throat never settled until i had mine taken out and the younger the better. His tonsils and adenoids have enlarged since he saw his ENT surgeon at his 1 year post op check so we might go back to him if he gets another bout after this lot of antibiotics. the poor child is going to end up immune to every antibiotic going!! SO has picked up on his tonsilitis twice and just gave him loads of fluid to drink and it settled without anti biotics so its not documented with our family doctor. I think the rule is 6 bouts in 1 year for taking them out, not sure about that though. DS has never been sick with anything that hasn't been directly linked with his ears and throat, even his pneumonias and the time he ended up in ICU on a vent was pnuemonia caused by his throat, its sometimes impossible to tell he's sick unless he spikes a temp and by that time its usually too late!

