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Big Boy Pants

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  • Big Boy Pants

    so the daycare ladies and I have conspired to get this boy potty trained. Off to school he went in his Thomas underwear! We'll see how it goes. He thinks it's great fun to GO to the potty but once he's there he never actually does anything. I'm not 100% sure that he's ready but we'll never know unless we try!

    Keep those fingers crossed. (though I have to admit that I was a little bit sad looking at him in his underwear...where did that round little Russian in the wool socks go? This is a full-on skinny American kid!)


  • #2
    You won't be so sad once you're not changing nasty diapers anymore.

    If he's resistant, the thing that finally helped Jacob were those nasty underware w/the plastic outside. I think it made the interior so - hot and sticky? that it made him quite aware of what was going on in that region.

    Didn't work at all for Quinn.


    • #3
      Good luck! Keeping my fingers crossed for a dry day!


      • #4
        You're lucky he'll sit on the potty!!

        I'm on attempt five which started yesterday, I too felt a little sad seeing him in big boy pants, which he now won't wear. He will also not sit on potty or use the toilet seat and step we got him. HE likes to run around peeing, and boy he has some bladder control, saves it up and i can tell you there is a lot more than a puddle, he likes to tell me when he's about to go and i grab the potty to try and catch or he goes to his room, gets a nappy/diaper and holds it and pee's into it! everytime he see potty he picks it up and throws it into a cupboard and shouts, you stay in there and don't come back!

        Sounds like your little man is going to do well!

        Is he a march baby too? Matthew is 3 this March can't believe where time has gone!


        • #5
          Jane- Nikolai will be three on March 18.

          I called the daycare ladies and Miss Leti said that he'll go and sit but not do anything. However, he HATED being wet and icky so hopefully we'll get the whole idea cemented through today.

          I PMed Vishenka for the Russian words to use and lo and behold he knows them. (note to self- buy more Russian language cds and dvds)



          • #6
            Lexi will also be 3 in March - March 9th. She has gotten the hang of the whole potty thing now, and I am thrilled!

            She does like to wash her hands a lot which results in a lot of mess, but it's all good!
            Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


            • #7
              Cool a little march 04 group Matthew is March 22nd

              Unfortunately he's quite happy to get wet, then tell me to change him, he holds on and he's flooded so you can't leave him wet! He's a determined little monkey, each time he says.....nappy now please?

              Heidi you're so lucky, was it easier to train a girl than a boy? just out of interest? I'm thinking the extra 'equipment' might make it harder for boys to get to grip with things?


              • #8
                Congrats to all our new "super duper poopers"

                Jenn, I totally get you on how weird/neat/astounding it is the day that you realize that your child's sweet little toddler body with perfectly rounded milk bellies has turned into an angular, agile, skinny little boys. It is an enormous right of passage. I'll never forget the day that it dawned on me that my toddler son was gone forever and in place I had this sweet little boy.

                Ah, it goes too quick.

                In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                • #9
                  Well, he's peed ONCE for the day care ladies. and none for us.

                  I'm bringing half his wardrobe to school these days. (I sent Rick to the PX to buy all of the ugly on sale pants he could find)

                  We didn't even bother yesterday because we were out looking at doggies all day. (I'm not sure how I'd feel about using their bathrooms, let alone making a confused toddler use a public restroom!)


