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? for SAHMs

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  • ? for SAHMs

    Just curious as to how often you other SAHMs actually stay at home?

    Here is our weekly routine:
    Monday: To the library. No storytime or anything, just browsing and checking out books. Stay home rest of the day - if it's warm, take a stroller walk or park.
    Tuesday: Nothing. . .usually stay at home or run a quick errand to the grocery store.
    Wednesday: To the children's museum for an hour. They have a special program for 0-5yo kids. Stay home rest of the day - again, if it's warm, we take a walk.
    Thursday: Storytime at the library in the AM and check out books. Home again and then ballet in the late afternoon.
    Friday: Nothing. . .my husband wants me to start going to the grocery store on Friday so we won't have to go over the weekend.

  • #2
    My kids are both in school now. You'd think I'd have all this downtime. As it is, I am usually at home for maybe 2 of the 5 days a week during school hours. The remaining time is filled with volunteer stuff and errands. When I am at home, I'm usually cleaning or trying desperately to get one of my twisted career-from -my -living-room ideas going.

    I'm home less now with both kids at school than I was when they were babies. It's bizarre how busy you can get with no steady job.
    Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
    Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

    "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


    • #3
      I don't have a routine, but I try to go to lunch with one friend once a week. I try to go to some store once a week. I've met some moms in La Leche League and we're trying to get together once a week.

      I'm working on getting dressed as soon as I wake up. If I do then I'm more likely to get out of the house....if I wake up lazy and stay in pjs then I never go anywhere.

      I'm still trying to meet people. At least at this age, Daegan's pretty portable!
      Mom of 3, Veterinarian


      • #4
        When I was a SAHM, I quickly came to the conclusion that the happiest SAHMs were the ones that DIDN'T stay home. Not that I was always able to get out.....some days it was just TOO overwhelming. But in general, it is a good idea.

        Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

        "I don't know when Dad will be home."


        • #5
          I tried to walk Nikolai and the dog every day for several miles. We'd load up the stroller w/ snacks and off we'd go. Then we'd walk to the grocery store or the post office, etc. I didn't have a car so we'd walk everywhere.

          I was home for nap time- period.



          • #6
            I wish I was home more. I drive DD#1 bak and forth to preschool four days a week. It stinks. In between that time I try to hit the gym, grocery store or errands which is followed by rushing home, nursing and scarfing down some lunch before picking her up. I constantly feel rushed and like I have accomplished nothing.

            We also hit the library, Children's musuem, and have occassional playdates. Fridays there is no school and we go nowhere. Its our veg day.

            However, every afternoon we are home for rest time!


            • #7
              We walk our dog every single day (unless it's colder than 20 degrees :{ ). It's good for all of us to get out of the house and get some fresh air!!

              Mondays and Wednesdays we have playgroup and/or Wiggleworms class, so those are the only two days that we have some sort of structured activity. The other days of the week I make it a point to get out of the house, even if it's just to the pet store to look at the animals and fish. I'd go crazy if we were cooped up in the house all day long! I do also make it a point to be home for naptimes, DS is still taking 2 naps a day (please, let it never end!! ), so by the time he's napped and we're all ready to go out the door it's mid-afternoon. That makes for a couple of hours that we can go out before we're back home for dinner.

              -Wife of urology attending.
              -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)

