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Icing on the temper tantrum cake

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  • Icing on the temper tantrum cake

    Dear me, it's been a long day.

    DD has added a twist to the regular temper tantrum -- she wets her pants. Granted, I do not think she is doing this on purpose. She just gets herself so upset that she can't make it to the bathroom. This morning she was crying in her room and I heard her say that she peed. I went in, got her clothes off and noticed that she didn't pee in her shoes or the rug. I asked her if she peed on the rug or floor and she said no. I thought it was my lucky break! I rinsed her off in the shower and that was that.

    And then...

    DH stopped by. (Today is his last day of his research rotation and he is taking his mom to a doctor appt and needed to grab some papers. I sort of wish he hadn't stopped by because Anna doesn't understand the in and out visit). Anna asked him to help with her shoes so he sat down on next to her in the chair in her room and -- the couch was wet. Really, really wet. She had peed on the couch. :thud:

    Then she had a fit because he left without her. :thud: :thud:

    Any suggestions on getting pee out of an upholstered chair?

  • #2
    Go to the pet section of Target or the cleaning section at PetCo/Petsmart and get the enzymatic cleaner stuff for pet urine. Works wonders.



    • #3
      Nellie, I feel your pain. DD has done this when she's in the throes of a major tantrum and loses all control.

      What has been most effective for me on the upholstered furniture are the cleaners meant for pet accidents. There is a pretty good one from Target (in the aisle with the cleaning products).

      Hope the rest of your day is a little more uneventful.
      Married to pediatric surgery fellow, SAHM to 2 munchkins


      • #4
        Thanks, that is a good idea. We are about out of dog food -- perfect timing!

        I try not to give in to the tantrums but if I can tell they are about to puke, I'll do anything to calm them down. That is really not fun.


        • #5
          I'm speechless.
          Is this what I've got lying ahead of me?

          At least now I know what to do...

          Hope your upholstery survives, Nellie.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            Originally posted by "Ladybug

            Alison, go out and have a fancy dinner. Forget you ever read this.

            The puking is few and far between for us. They find other ways to push my buttons. She figured out a good one, huh?


            • #7
              oohhh....annie, our dd's sound similar! dd#1 is a puker when she is mad, upset, or we make her eat something. great isnt it? :>
              ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


              • #8
                Yeah my son pulls the gag reflex almost everytime I made dinner. I cook very unconventional in American terms, and very wholefoods, VERY veggie oriented. DS 90% of the times tells me he's not eating dinner, period. And he sometimes vomits when he is trying to swallow a dinner with veggies - sigh. I *try* to tell him, you could be have boxed food, instead I've been cutting fresh veggies and cooking from scratch for the last hour or so.... argh....

                You have to set rules, then ignore as much as possible. Ours is, you will sit at the dinner table while we eat, if you choose not to eat now, the same dinner will be waiting later.

                Kids are VERY smart for sure!


                • #9
                  Like I said, they have other ways to push my buttons.

                  As much as I have tried to stay non-reactive, I must still be giving this too much attention. She peed on the couch again, no tantrum this time. Fun, fun! She is just a mess today. Hopefully tomorrow is better.

                  Our few gagging/puking episodes have always been at night in bed. I let them cry in bed and then hear the mounting hysteria and gagging.


                  • #10
                    Nellie: I hope things are better today. You've got your hands full!
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #11
                      Ugg. Not a nice new habit.

                      Maybe move the couch out of the room for awhile? (Or is that way too much work - and reaction?)

                      I hope she loses her interest in the "potty couch" soon.

                      Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                      Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                      "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                      • #12
                        The best way to get the pee smell out is massengill vinegar and water douche . It even gets cat pee smell out.

                        No fun.

                        I've got some seriously stressed out kids here - just from all of the travel, visiting, etc. My IL's and BIL / SIL, and frankly - my husband - just don't understand why they're acting up so much. And therefore are NOT being helpful or patient about it.

                        I love visiting.


                        • #13
                          Angie, it was a different couch. But yesterday afternoon I was ready to move all the furniture out and put down plastic.

                          Today is another day. *deep breath*


                          • #14
                            Angie, it was a different couch.
                            I'm not sure that's good news. :>

                            What's up with her? Peeing on the furniture is a real attention getter. Are they "accidents" or is she acting out (post-baby and all)? I don't remember how long she's been in the potty trained club.

                            So..... I take it from your calm response that today was uneventful? So far? Maybe it was a one time deal.
                            Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
                            Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

                            "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Sheherezade
                              Angie, it was a different couch.
                              I'm not sure that's good news. :>
                              I know, I know.

                              So far, so good. I'm trying to make it a clean slate and doing "big girl" things like painting nails.

                              The first accident on the couch really was an accident. I've seen her pee before while having a tantrum and she seems totally unaware of it and then after it happens she usually gets more upset because she is wet. I think she just happened to be writhing and kicking and screaming on that couch rather than having it out for the couch.

                              The second one...I'm not so sure. At least it was on leather? That is easier to clean up. She has been potty trained for about 5-6 months. She has been having more accidents lately -- a regression thing I guess. Typically it is on the floor right in front of the toilet. She is particular about the lights being off or on, the toilet being flushed, etc and all of her toilet primping leads to too much delay and she pees before making it on the toilet.

                              We're having potty issues.

