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First cold. :(

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  • First cold. :(

    Daegan has his first cold! I feel so bad for the little guy! I think it's partially my fault, though I know it was going to have to happen some time. We went to a Mardi Gras parade (first one for all of us!) on Saturday and it was COLD! :brrr: OK so not that cold, but was in the low 40s. (I'm from FLORIDA people, remember?!?!?! ) And I don't think he was bundled well enough in the beginning. And we spent part of the parade snuggled in the back of an SUV sitting next to a friend's daughter and she was coughing and had a runny nose.

    He's going to be in daycare soon and I know he's going to get sick then....and it's better that he's sick now and I can be home with him and snuggle him and take care of him....but it still sucks!

    And he just has a runny nose and has a little trouble breathing (esp while nursing) fever and he's not really even cranky. I just feel bad for him.

    The home health nurse came out today for his RSV shot and she said his lungs are clear and he looks good. He was laughing at her up until she stuck him.

    I think this is way more traumatic for me than him!
    Mom of 3, Veterinarian

  • #2
    Aw, poor little guy. I hope he feels better soon!

    Jack has been sick with one thing after the other this winter, it's crazy because he's not even in daycare! We go to playgroups and play areas and that must be where he picks up the little germies. I've heard from a couple of people that there have been studies done that show that the more illnesses a child has and is exposed to during childhood, the healthier that child will be as an adult. That's my positive spin on this!

    -Wife of urology attending.
    -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


    • #3
      Aww poor little pumpkin! At least this will help build up his immune system for when he is in daycare.


      • #4
        Poor little peanut! It is inevitable but no fun. I hope he is feeling better soon.


        • #5
          Thanks everyone! Oooooohhhhh new smiley!
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            Poor little guy--if it makes you feel better, my ds is 17 months and from daycare he has been sick a lot even though he has been bf since birth...just a lot of colds and stuff but hopefully all of this helping to build immunity for the future. Give him a little snuggle for me.


            • #7

              You logically know that there was nothing you could have done to prevent him from getting a cold, right? Just keep him hydrated and don't be afraid to use the snot sucker. We also use saline frequently when Nikolai is stuffy. It helps get the ick out and keeps the flow flowing. Better to be runny than stuffy!



              • #8
                Not your fault. I know it's SO hard to hear the sneezes or coughs. It really is --- but it's NOT your fault. My friend regularly took her baby out in the winter in Alaska during her first year (daughter born in Sept., so roughly the same age as your little dude during the winter).

                It just happens. Use the snot sucker, humidifier, and snuggles.


                • #9

                  We've been doing the saline nose drops, nose squisheys (to help loosen the snot) and using the bulb to suction out the boogers. Followed, of course, by some crying and sneezing to really get the stuff out. Then he nurses and falls asleep! Russ came home post-call today and rolled his eyes at me. He says Daegan is 'so not that sick.' And I said 'you are so not a mom!'

                  The little guy is doing better, and I think *we'll* survive.

                  I do know that it's not my fault. You just want to think you can protect them forever, ya know?

                  Thank you everyone!
                  Mom of 3, Veterinarian


                  • #10
                    I hope the little guy is on the mend soon, Michele.


                    • #11
                      Yeah it's definitely different when you're home with the little munchkins all day. I already know I'm going to be an overprotective mom!

