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Screaming and whooping and crying?

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  • Screaming and whooping and crying?

    I *think* everything is ok and normal....but I have to ask!

    Daegan has recently started screaming. He's always been fairly chatty, but this is loud and not very controlled sounding. He's not upset or crying with it...he doesn't do it only after a toy falls or anything....just randomly. And sometimes when he's really happy/content. It's loud shrieks and growls. The moms I know here just laugh at him....but none have said their children did this.

    Also when he's being chatty/babbling a lot he does a "whoop" type sound when he breaths in. He doesn't seem distressed or anything, it just sounds really weird. It's not after a coughing spell or anything. It maybe sounds like he's taking in a breath but has forgotten to relax his vocal chords first?? He does occasionally cough...but I think it's because he's been so drooly, that he gags on his own spit.

    And the crying question....he cries in his's not always just a little whimper. Usually it's a full on loud cry. The kind that makes my heart stop and I leap up and run to him....only to find him fast asleep....sometimes with a grimace on his face though. Can they have nightmares this young? Poor kid if that's what it is...

    Like I said before, I think it's all normal....but my local mom friends haven't experienced any of it so I htought I'd ask here.

    Mom of 3, Veterinarian

  • #2
    My sister mentioned about a month ago that her little guy would shriek randomly - he was around 5 months at the time. She thinks he was just testing out his vocal chords. I'm sure she mentioned it to the pediatrician (first-time mom and all) and haven't heard anything else about it. I'm sure it's fine! I would call Daegan's pediatrician just in case though.


    • #3
      I think that sounds normal. When is his next check-up?

      Babies get excited to discover their voices and it sounds like he is discovering volume. Is the "whoop" sound excited breathing in? My kids have done that.


      • #4
        Eddy had a nightmare two days ago during his nap, it went on for something like ten minutes of crying while sound asleep before I couldn't take it any more and nursed him -- still asleep, he kept making those little "getting over a crying jag" hiccups into the boob, it was so sad!


        • #5
          She thinks he was just testing out his vocal chords.
          I think that's what it is....

          Babies get excited to discover their voices and it sounds like he is discovering volume. Smile Is the "whoop" sound excited breathing in? My kids have done that.
          The whoop does kinda sound like excited breathing in....

          His next appointment is soon. I'll have to remember to ask! I get so caught up in his shots and stuff that I forget to ask my questions.

          Eddy had a nightmare two days ago during his nap, it went on for something like ten minutes of crying while sound asleep before I couldn't take it any more and nursed him -- still asleep, he kept making those little "getting over a crying jag" hiccups into the boob, it was so sad!
          Poor little guy!!!!

          Glad to hear I'm not the only one who has a shreiky, whoopy, sleep crying babe! It's reassuring!
          Mom of 3, Veterinarian


          • #6
            I wonder if babies get nightmares. I hope not. That makes me sad...little munchkins!! I love when they smile in their sleep. My mom always says it's angels whispering to them that makes them smile.

