Day 2 of Spring Break and things are not going as planned.
Yesterday was our first day off...and we were suprised with some fabulous weather. My kids, of course, fought non-stop with each other (even going as far as to chase each other around our block
). There was the whining, I'm bored, etc....and I thought my head was going to just twist around and rocket into space. Then my 3 year old just took off and went to a neighbor's house without my knowledge. I turned around in the garden and...he was gone. I was so mad at him that I went to go and get him...and came right down to his level and said in my firmest voice "you do NOT leave the yard. You are not allowed to walk off and go to other people's houses". My neighbor's jaw dropped and she looked at me like I had just beaten him or something.
But really, it just made me so fearful that he would run off like that and be gone in an instant.
Then a neighbor boy came over and started running with my older boys through our backyard and our playhouse. This kids was slamming the doors of the playhouse and banging his body and baseball bat against the windows of the house. Last year, the same kid broke one of the windows, one of the plant hangers and 2...not just 1 but 2 of our plastic deck chairs.
I went outside, bawled them all out and told the kid to go home. My kids were embarassed, my neighbors probably were hoping I'd move back to my trailor..
Is it too much to ask to expect kids to play by the rules without there being a huge discussion/argument with them?
Amanda's room is a mess...instead of cleaning it like she's supposed to, I hear her down on my treadmill that she is forbidden explicitely from playing on. I let Andrew and Alex go on a long bike ride and even gave them a few dollars to stop at Walgreens and get a pop...and they came home and Andrew went straight to the gamecube that he's not supposed to play on and Alex started taunting and antagonizing Aidan.
I can't physically force them to clean their rooms. I can take away all privileges and then suffer even more as they complain and whine.
Oh...I just had to interrupt the writing of this because my dear daughter left my treadmill and went and climbed on the roof of the playhouse. Good GAWD.
It's as if the spring-like weather has turned them into wild children or something.
Seriously...what can I do??? I rarely get the chance to catch up here and all I wanted to do was take some time to read posts/answer PMs and get caught up....and I can't even do that w/o the consequences making it not worth it.
Yesterday was our first day off...and we were suprised with some fabulous weather. My kids, of course, fought non-stop with each other (even going as far as to chase each other around our block

Then a neighbor boy came over and started running with my older boys through our backyard and our playhouse. This kids was slamming the doors of the playhouse and banging his body and baseball bat against the windows of the house. Last year, the same kid broke one of the windows, one of the plant hangers and 2...not just 1 but 2 of our plastic deck chairs.
I went outside, bawled them all out and told the kid to go home. My kids were embarassed, my neighbors probably were hoping I'd move back to my trailor..
Is it too much to ask to expect kids to play by the rules without there being a huge discussion/argument with them?
Amanda's room is a mess...instead of cleaning it like she's supposed to, I hear her down on my treadmill that she is forbidden explicitely from playing on. I let Andrew and Alex go on a long bike ride and even gave them a few dollars to stop at Walgreens and get a pop...and they came home and Andrew went straight to the gamecube that he's not supposed to play on and Alex started taunting and antagonizing Aidan.
I can't physically force them to clean their rooms. I can take away all privileges and then suffer even more as they complain and whine.
Oh...I just had to interrupt the writing of this because my dear daughter left my treadmill and went and climbed on the roof of the playhouse. Good GAWD.
It's as if the spring-like weather has turned them into wild children or something.
Seriously...what can I do??? I rarely get the chance to catch up here and all I wanted to do was take some time to read posts/answer PMs and get caught up....and I can't even do that w/o the consequences making it not worth it.