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Calling all croup alumni

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  • Calling all croup alumni

    OK so DD! is croupy and I think DD2 is heading down the same road. thank goodness for the nebulizer & albuterol we got a couple months back. I want to know from those of you in the BTDT croup group, what was the best & most effective OTC cough syrup, and or the Best Rx cough med for a 3 year old and a 19 mos old? I am trying my darnedest to take care of this at home DH feels I am doing a good job...but I would like to here about your experiences. I have come across a few articles that say humidity treatment isn't really helpful, yet I remember my mom always saying to turn the hot H2O on in the bathroom & sit w/ the child? Do you guys/ gals run humidifiers in their rooms @ night? I'll read your helpful hints/ experiences in the AM when I wake up!

    PS why can't I catch a break here @ the end of my pregnancy...I'm am sooooo sleep deprived already due to being up w/ all these little sickies!!! :needabreak: :thud:

  • #2
    I found that cold air actually worked the best. When my son had a really bad case of croup, before we could get him to the hospital to get steroids, we were outside in the frigid winter air. Apparently, the cold helped the swelling go down. Once we got back into the night clinic, where it was warmer, his cough started up again, worsening.

    I really do think the cold air helped him a lot. But, that was nothing on the steroids they gave him.
    Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


    • #3
      Speaking as a Pediatric Respiratory therapist, I hate to tell you that the Albuterol will do nothing for actual croup. It only effects the bronchial airways. Croup is subglottic inflamation (below the vocal cords) thats why the cough sounds so terrible. Steroids by mouth and nebulizer treatments with Racemic Epinephrine is the gold standard for croup. Cold air is best. Think of it as ice on a swollen ankle, brings down the swelling.

      Sorry you are dealing with this, after 4 kids, i am so glad mine are old enough to be past the croupy stage.


      • #4
        Ditto what Heidi said -- go with the cold air. I did ok with holding her in front of an open window so that I didn't have to go all the way out. We did get some help from a steamy shower but it was nothing compared to the cold air.


        • #5
          Cold air definitely works (and now that it's getting warmer out, remember, the freezer makes cold air). If you open the freezer door, and hold your child in front of it, the coughing subsides.
          Wife to EP, just trying to keep up with my FOUR busy kids!


          • #6
            Unfortunately we really don't have cold air...I will try the freezer.

            My DH echoed what Trisha said ...he said he'd look into getting the epinephrine for the nebulizer so we can use it/ have it on hand. I'm hoping the worst is over for the girls...DS woke up coughing his head off, soo we'll see if his progresses or not I'm praying for not, because I need good sleep!...I just want to get them better and then I will Lysol the hell out of the house, before we bring home the baby!!!!


            • #7

              Our experiences echo everyone elses- I do run a cool air humidifier in his room also.

              As for the OTC meds- I've found the ones that knock him out (regardless of brand) are key. (especially once the worst is over but he's still coughing throughout the night)


              (maybe you can bribe your ob into insisting that you stay in the hospital for an extra few days so that you can catch a break!)

