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  • MrsB_2B

    Mark (DS2) has his tonsils and adenods removed a few weeks ago and he is a whole new kid!!! I was super nervous at first and it was pretty rough after the surgery (DS1 had his tonsils removed a few years ago,but it was much harder with both tonsils and adeniods) but I'm sooo glad that they took them. He sleeps WAYYYY better, no snotty noses and even his eating is much better (he weighs 49 lbs and is 9 years old)

    Good luck with Matthew

  • #2
    PS - You look HAWT. I'm so excited for you.


    • #3
      Thanks Sarah,

      I have him in my bed the last couple of weeks because he keeps sitting up in his sleep trying to breath a little easier and he doesn't wake up when he does this and just falls down again and eventually falls out of bed, so he's propped up on a few harder pillows and in beside me so I can keep an eye on him. He snores louder than my Dad and DF put together, and I'm sure that affects him during the day like it does with people with sleep apnea.

      At this stage it will be a relief if they take them out, providing it will make a difference!

      Hopefully it will go as well as it did with your DS.

      Stella, come move in with me!! you di wonders for my confidence

