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i think i won!

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  • i think i won!

    the battle with dh about sending ds to kindergarten. he has been hounding me for months about getting ds tested. *fingers in ears* lalalalalla.....ds will not be 5 until feb. the cutoff is sept.1st

    some of you may remember the terrible experience that ds and i had with preschool last year, resulting in me pulling him out. i know he is not ready to go to kindergarten..yet!

    he will start preschool again in sept. going two half days a week. he and older dd will also go to sunday school.

    tonight the argument came up yet again about how ds NEEDS to go to school. im not ready, ds is not ready..its just not something im willing to participate in. school starts next week. im not going to rush a physical, shots, testing, school shopping just so, in dh's words..."help ds get thru school faster"

    he told me that tomorrow i need to call the school board. no!!

    so, i have the number one reason that stopped dh in his tracks.

    ds cant clean himself yet after he goes to the bathroom.

    dh's response, oh...that is important. good point. heres hoping he will let ds and i enjoy this last year of being a kid at home.

    (why doesnt he understand im not ready to deal with all the crap that comes with school yet?)
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    What is his hurry? Seriously, have him read some stats on the development of boys vs. girls.....there are plenty of good ones out there. Not only is it too soon NOW, but it would be too soon to send him off to college LATER. My son turned 5 about three weeks after school started last year, and I never even considered trying to get him in early. Not a good idea in the vast majority of cases, imo, *especially* for boys.

    Hold your ground, Sylvia!

    Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

    "I don't know when Dad will be home."


    • #3
      Don't do it!


      • #4
        Go Mommy Go!

        and I concur with the rest. My brother was held back until the year he turned six in kindergarten (in December) and everyone agrees that in retrospect, it was the smartest thing they did.



        • #5
          Originally posted by DCJenn
          Go Mommy Go!

          and I concur with the rest. My brother was held back until the year he turned six in kindergarten (in December) and everyone agrees that in retrospect, it was the smartest thing they did.

          Is that even "held back"? I turned 5 just a few weeks after starting Kindergarten, and I was the youngest in my class all the way through HS; just a few years later, the cutoff was that you had to be 5 before the school year started.

          Being youngest didn't bother me at all, but I was already reading (a lot) and probably driving my parents crazy. I'm glad I got in the class I did, too; we were a total geek class, so I didn't feel as out of place as I might have in a different class, plus it meant I'd already graduated before my sister got into HS, so we didn't have to deal with each other at school.
          Wife of EM Attending, Web Programmer, mom to one older lady scaredy-cat and one sweet-but-dumb younger boy kitty


          • #6
            I was on the young side like you. I was ready though. I definitely think this is a boy/girl thing.



            • #7
              Oh please!

              what is the rush? People call day care school for christ sake, of course to feel good about it. Our little one will be one of the oldest, and I love it. I get more time with him and he gets to be a kid longer.

              Sure seems all the generations before us did just fine going to school when it was time to go to school, and not before.

              we love to think we are helping our kids and perhaps we are, making them ready to be drones in the work force.


              • #8
                Hmph! Around here the cutoff is 5 yrs by Sept 1, your guy wouldn't even be allowed to go to school here! You know my opinions.

                Asking for help wiping the bum at 4 1/2 is very common and actually he'd start doing it after the first suggestion by the teacher very likely...but don't tell your husband that if that's what won the argument!


                • #9
                  Turning 5 in February is too young, especially for a boy...and YES I believe there is a difference at that age. You did the right thing, Sylvia. If he starts now, he will remain behind the class for at least a few years...and that is if the stigma he'll FEEL from being behind doesn't slow him down even more. Let him play now and be ready for school when it's time.

                  We let DD skip 1st grade b/c at the time it was the least worst of the options. I really hate that I'm going to lose a whole year of having her with me when she graduates and goes to college a year ahead of schedule.


                  • #10
                    I'm sympathetic to your cause! I am not the end-all-be-all to parenting, but IMHO, I would have waited in a heartbeat if my son had been on the younger side.

                    Now with a spunky, articulate, self-assured daughter...I'm so on the fence it is not even funny. I think that at the end of the day, I'll put it up for a vote and let you all decide because I can really see both sides of it.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      Now with a spunky, articulate, self-assured daughter...I'm so on the fence it is not even funny.
                      same with older dd. good grief, all i hear about all day long is "when can i go to school? im going to ride my bike to school! all my friends will be waiting! i CANT WAIT to go to school, mommy!!! what clothes can i wear? where are my new shoes? lets go mommy!!!"

                      ds on the other hand, would be attached at the hip and never go to school if i allowed it.

                      thanks for the support, guys! dont worry janet..i know ds could pick up the cleaning himself real quick...but im not telling dh that!!!

                      (i just want ds to have a positve, self esteem building, socializing year in 2 half days of preschool before i throw him to the wolves!! is that so wrong!!???)
                      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                      • #12
                        I will say that kindergarten is exhausting, and that they are emotionally tired at the end of the day, so when you get your little kindergartner home to you, he'd probably be tired, whiny, crying... This is really typical behavior after a day at school for KGers. So enjoy one more year of "freedom"! (for both of you! )

                        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

