youngest dd was acting funny all day yesterday. walking with her head tilted, wouldnt turn her neck all the way, would cry when i touched her hair and ear. i thought maybe she slept wrong and her neck was bothering her. :huh:
after baths last night dh looked in her ear and he couldnt even see her eardrum.
she is the one we wouldnt put it past to put something in her ear.
dh called the EM doc to ask if he could just sneak her in real quick...and she said to come on down. so at 8pm last night a trip to the ER.
its a HUGE, HARD piece of wax.
the doc doesnt even think dd can hear out of that maybe thats why she was tilting her head all funky? anyhow, we are now doing debrox everynight for a few nights..hopefully to soften it, and hear again!
im so glad it wasnt a cheerio, pretzel, Q-tip, or a lego!
after baths last night dh looked in her ear and he couldnt even see her eardrum.

its a HUGE, HARD piece of wax.
