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The Love Bug

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  • The Love Bug

    Quinn still has his "girlfriend" Savannah that he fell in love with last year at preschool. They're both thrilled b/c school is back in & they're in the same class AND extended day. It's really funny.

    The only downside is that Jacob is all paranoid that HE doesn't have a girlfriend. I've tried to explain that it's WAY too early to worry about such things, but the boys are adamant that they both should have girlfriends (I have no idea where they've gotten this BTW - it's not like either of their parents are dating).

    Today in the car I was trying to downplay the importance of having a gf at the tender age of 5 and 6.

    Quinn: I'm NOT giving up my girlfriend!

    Me: Why?

    Quinn: Because she's pretty!

  • #2
    yeah, my own steven has said that he has a major "crush". He kind of worries that it may be doomed because

    1) she's in 4th and he's in 1st
    2) he doesn't know her name

    But he says she's really cute, and he just "can't stop thinking about her".


    Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


    • #3
      well, my boy comes home talking about lauren all the time.

      me: what does she look like?

      ds: a girl (with a DUH mom look on his face)

      ah...young love.
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        Hmm, Jasen just does not dig girls yet. I think he had a thing for a girl in his kindergarten class last year-- he would get all embarrased if I asked about her. But he never talks about girls or wanting a girlfriend. He used to get love notes last year. DH and I would crack up. The girls would give the notes to the bus driver to give to Jasen and he would emabarrassly give them to me. I have them saved, I think it will be funny to pull them out later on. Yeah, I'm one of those moms. Those girls really went to town on their notes.

        My youngest brother had a crush on a girl and apparenlty she didn't care for him too much. He was really torn up about it. My mom was trying to explain to him that it was ok and he was young blah blah and he replied all soft and sad, "but I love she." This is my crazy brother who said he wanted "baby Jasen to die." So it was pretty sweet how he was all sad and hurt. One of his few endearing moments...


        • #5
          My son gets marriage proposals. I was in his school once, and a girl shyly came up to me and asked, "Are you Ryan's mom?" "Yes," I said. "I want to marry him, okay?" "You and Ryan will have to decide about that later." "All right, but I still want to marry him. He's the best boy at school."

          I think last year he had three separate girls who asked him to marry them. He doesn't seem interested in this at all, but doesn't find it gross. He mostly dismisses it in a "girls are weird" way.

          He does like to look at boobs though. I've caught his glances and stares. If you want to see if your son likes girls, turn on Deal Or Mo Deal and watch their reaction.
          Heidi, PA-S1 - wife to an orthopaedic surgeon, mom to Ryan, 17, and Alexia, 11.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vanquisher
            He does like to look at boobs though. I've caught his glances and stares. If you want to see if your son likes girls, turn on Deal Or Mo Deal and watch their reaction.
            Quinn's favorite "news" show (any program that is not animated is "news" to them), by far. He jumps up and down, waves his arms, asks for "No Deal / Yeah Deal". It's quite amusing.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Genivieve
              Originally posted by Vanquisher
              He does like to look at boobs though. I've caught his glances and stares. If you want to see if your son likes girls, turn on Deal Or Mo Deal and watch their reaction.
              Quinn's favorite "news" show (any program that is not animated is "news" to them), by far. He jumps up and down, waves his arms, asks for "No Deal / Yeah Deal". It's quite amusing.
              My kids do that too- if it's not a cartoon, it's news!

              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

