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What is it like?

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  • What is it like?

    Parents of 3 girls: what is it like?

    I'm 10w and some with this pregnancy and I'm leaning towards girl AGAIN just because of the same symptoms, same weight gain in my ARSE, etc. I could be wrong, obviously. I'll throw in the token "we would be thrilled with either" (as I flash a Miss USA smile) but I have to admit that having a boy strikes me as easier?

    And if there are any parents of 2 girls and a boy, what is that like?

    For those who don't really know me, we already have 2 girls.

  • #2
    Re: What is it like?

    We have three stooges, two girls and the youngest is a boy. It's just fine, by me. I even have some wonderful blackmail pics of him in his sister's hot pink ballerina outfit, complete with tutu, pink Barbie high-heels, and pink feather in his hair. I keep threatening to bring that one out on either his first date or prom.

    There are some things different, obviously, but it hasn't been a huge ordeal in our family.


    • #3
      Re: What is it like?

      In most ways, I think the girls are more difficult. I am soooo not looking forward to the tweens and tween pms in several years!

      My son is all boy, so you will have to figure in lots of ER visits and calls to Poison Control, but there is nothing better than hearing him say, "Mama I love you the most!"


      • #4
        Re: What is it like?

        Girl.... in the tween years..... :banghead: :banghead:

        Other than that, girls are delightful. The boys seem a bit easier to entertain? Less prone to whining??? But that's probably my boys...

        Anyway! You will have a fabulously balanced family no matter what! It's fun to guess, though! Are you finding out ASAP?

        Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


        • #5
          Re: What is it like?

          I have one boy and two girls, and I don't really find one gender easier. Just different forms of torture My DS was so physical and destructive- would bolt away from me in parking lots daily, etc. My DD is more adept at mental and emotional sabotage. Some days I honestly do not know why her throat has not swollen shut because she talks And the whining, sweet Jesus the whining.

          Not looking forward to the tween years with the girls, but so far I would call it a draw on which gender is harder.
          Rebecca, wife to handsome gyn-onc, and mom 4 awesome kiddos: 8,6,4, and 2.


          • #6
            Re: What is it like?

            Well, I'm the parent of four girls and in a few weeks I'll be the parent of five!

            I do have a son so I can give a few gender contrasts. I've found my girls are a bit more emotionally resiliant during the toddler and preschool years. They also seem to want to play alone more than their brother (are boys more community-play oriented?).

            As they get older there is this "spaciness" that seems to take hold of them around 8 years old. One of my daughters, in particular, is just hopelessly off in another universe right now.

            A BIG plus are the hand-me-downs when you have multiple kids of the same gender in a row with clothes and the more "girl" oriented toys, furniture, baby products.

            I really do enjoy having all of these girls. I look at them somedays and I am sooooo glad that they are growing up right now rather than in some other time or nation when they would be treated like chattel, not allowed an education, etc. I think I'm becoming all about Girl Power!

            Oh, and I will second the talking. They. Never. Stop. I literally have to ask them to all just quiet down (ie "Shut your traps for a moment and let me think!").
            Who uses a machete to cut through red tape
            With fingernails that shine like justice
            And a voice that is dark like tinted glass

