My dd sucks her thumb like it's a crack habit. I'm starting to think about weaning her from it, but I'm not sure how to go about it. She has mentioned that she has "stopped" sucking her thumb, but 10 minutes later she is doing it again. For the record, Dh and I sucked our thumbs until we were 6.
Ds was a thumbsucker too, until I had to put a band-aid on his thumb due to a sore. That stopped him cold turkey. The band-aid is gone and he hasn't done it since. That trick won't work so well with dd. Have any of you been through this? How did you do it? Thanks.
Ds was a thumbsucker too, until I had to put a band-aid on his thumb due to a sore. That stopped him cold turkey. The band-aid is gone and he hasn't done it since. That trick won't work so well with dd. Have any of you been through this? How did you do it? Thanks.