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Magic Eraser Burns

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  • Magic Eraser Burns

    A friend of mine just emailed this to me, so I thought I'd pass it along. ... r-burn.htm

  • #2
    Re: Magic Eraser Burns

    My first thought before even reading it was that it looked like a skin abrasion....and my second thought was whether or not this was done to the child for some sort of profit/gain? Does that speak to the gutter my mind lives in?

    Maybe there are kids with really sensitive skin..... :huh: To me, those *burns* looked really questionable...since i'm not a doctor opinion is only that of an onlooker, of course. Seriously did he get the burns on the tops of his arms and so symmetrically on his face? What was he doing with them? Are the palms of his hands burned from holding them?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      Re: Magic Eraser Burns

      Perhaps I should have prefaced my post with -

      "A caring, grandmother-friend of mine passed this on to me so that I could be aware of a potential problem with a new product on the market. I have not used this product yet, and wouldn't let my children use these, but I have seen others here post that they had used them. Out of concern for their children, as sort of a PSA, I am posting this so that any who wish may visit the Urban Legends website pertaining to this "partly" true story and be informed."

      I don't see a picture of his hands, nor do I know what he was doing with them.


      • #4
        Re: Magic Eraser Burns

        Originally posted by PrincessFiona
        To me, those *burns* looked really questionable...since i'm not a doctor though...

        I checked out the pics before reading the entire article and it looks an awful lot like wind burn or winter dry skin chapping, to me. At least, on the face. One of our daughters gets this around her mouth during the really dry winter months and it looks EXACTLY like that.

        The arms look like they could be chem burns, but could also be a lot of other things, too. Like maybe abrasions from the dingbat kid rubbing the eraser or Scotch-brite pad on his arms. Who does that and doesn't notice the burning sensation from scrubbing off the first couple layers of skin?


        • #5
          Re: Magic Eraser Burns

          Originally posted by diggitydot
          Who does that and doesn't notice the burning sensation from scrubbing off the first couple layers of skin?
          That's why I wondered if someone had done it to him? (as terrible as it sounds). You'd have to rub pretty hard/long to get it to look like that if it were abrasions.....

          chemical burns? It just seems unusual for magic eraser. I've had my own toddler help me use them to clean up the artwork and never had anything remotely like that happen....but then maybe this little boy has a skin sensitivity.

          It would be interesting to know if the boy in the pic had "burned hands"...from holding the spondge while he was rubbing the parts of his body.....

          ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
          ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


          • #6
            Re: Magic Eraser Burns

            Alas, the message is lost in a debate over the validity of the pictures... :huh:


            • #7
              Re: Magic Eraser Burns

              Originally posted by AtTheBeach
              Alas, the message is lost in a debate over the validity of the pictures... :huh:

              If they're going to try to use pics as proof of an issue, then I think it becomes part of the message. And if that "proof" is questionable, to me, so is the message itself.


              • #8
                Re: Magic Eraser Burns

                urban legend - "partially true": according to the text below the article:
                Comments: The above text -- the majority of it, at any rate -- originated as a November 2, 2006 blog posting on, written by a businesswoman and mother of three named Jessica. Based a harrowing experience involving her own five-year-old son, she sought to warn other parents of the potential hazard posed to children by the unsupervised use of Scotchbrite Easy Erasing Pads and Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. We have no reason to doubt the honesty or sincerity of her effort.

                There are two points at issue, however. One has to do with unauthorized additions to the text, including an opening paragraph referring to a different child altogether and an attached photo which never appeared in the original article; the other pertains to the question of whether or not the injuries suffered by Jessica's son were actually "chemical burns."


                • #9
                  Re: Magic Eraser Burns

                  Originally posted by diggitydot
                  And if that "proof" is questionable, to me, so is the message itself.
                  Really? The message I was referring to goes something like this..."Hey fellow iMSNers - you may want to watch your small tots while using this product b/c I read this *partly true* EMAIL about it."


                  • #10
                    Re: Magic Eraser Burns

                    Originally posted by AtTheBeach
                    Originally posted by diggitydot
                    And if that "proof" is questionable, to me, so is the message itself.
                    Really? The message I was referring to goes something like this..."Hey fellow iMSNers - you may want to watch your small tots while using this product b/c I read this *partly true* EMAIL about it."

                    I wasn't referring to your message, but the one in the link. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


                    • #11
                      Re: Magic Eraser Burns

                      Wow, thats pretty sad. What's interesting is that I too, just purchased these little buggers because a girlfriend of mine told me that they are amazing and really work to get grime and mildew out of showers and tubs. Well, I buy them and go all over my house scrubbing and scrubbing away. Then I say to my husband (who probably thinks I am insane...but I digress...) "Wow honey! Look at this amazing little pad. What do you think makes this work so darn well?" He says, "It's probably chocked right full of all sorts of chemicals." So we read all of the box and not one mention of ANYTHING that makes up this silly sponge. Well, I don't know what is the magic to them, BUT I DO notice that there is some sort of residue that is left behind...sort of a whitish substance. Who knows??? If this is a true story, I do feel bad for that little guy

