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the Sneaky Chef

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  • #16
    Re: the Sneaky Chef

    You are a woman possessed!


    • #17
      Re: the Sneaky Chef

      I can't be organized enough to sneak..

      Luke is really really sensitive- if I buy a different type of bread (for instance, 12-grain instead of 7) he won't eat it. And then he won't eat any bread, even the 7-grain, for about 2 months. So I'm not going to try sneaking. I can get the older ones to eat vegetables (sometimes), but I totally give up for Luke.

      Sounds like you are having success, Jane! Sounds like you are making yummy stuff, too!

      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


      • #18
        Re: the Sneaky Chef

        The recipes sound yummy. I've been thinking about buying this book for awhile. DS is also picky about veggies. If I serve them to him first before the rest of his meal, he's more likely to at least try them.


        • #19
          Re: the Sneaky Chef

          Quinn is BY FAR the pickier of the two. I'm encouraged by the fact that he seems to like everything so far.


          • #20
            Re: the Sneaky Chef

            I just made the chocolate chocolate chip pancakes with cherry syurp for breakfast. The boys both LOVED them. Jacob said he liked them even better than Mimi's (where they have chocolate chip pancakes bathed in whipped cream on their kids menu).

            In the pancakes: spinach/blueberry puree, wheat germ, wheat flour, skim milk, honey. In the syurp: cherry juice (made last night from boiling frozen cherries w/o syurp) & honey.


            • #21
              Re: the Sneaky Chef

              These recieipes you are making sound really good! Although I love veggies, I might get this for me. I try to add healthy variations on things I make and this book sounds like it's got loads of them. Keep the reports coming!
              Wife to Hand Surgeon just out of training, mom to two lovely kittys and little boy, O, born in Sept 08.


              • #22
                Re: the Sneaky Chef

                I've just finished making the crunchy chicken tenders. The boys haven't tried them yet (they're at their basketball game). If I had to guess, Jacob will like them, Quinn won't. Quinn was already poo-pooing it as Jacob and I were making them saying "It doesn't LOOK like Chick Fil-a".

                These are breaded in a mixture of whole wheat bread crumbs (just zap some wwbread in the food processor), wheat germ, almonds pulsed in the food processor, & parmesan cheese. First you dredge them in ww flour, then dip them in an egg / orange puree mixture (orange puree is carrots and sweet potato), then coat w/bread crumbs.

                They're actually quite tasty. I'll be interested to see how the boys react.


                • #23
                  Re: the Sneaky Chef

                  Originally posted by Jane
                  Quinn was already poo-pooing it as Jacob and I were making them saying "It doesn't LOOK like Chick Fil-a".
                  That Quinn.

                  Spinach in the pancakes? You ARE sneaky!


                  • #24
                    Re: the Sneaky Chef

                    I love veggies. LOVE them. I crave broccoli, artichokes, kohlrabi, roasted bell peppers. I could go on and on....

                    I don't like the idea of hiding things.

                    My husband can sit at the dinner table as long as he wants, but he's not excused until that steamed broccoli goes down the hatch.
                    married to an anesthesia attending


                    • #25
                      Re: the Sneaky Chef

                      update: both boys liked the chicken! yippie!


                      • #26
                        Re: the Sneaky Chef

                        both boys had one of the brownies with their lunch, and leftover chicken tenders for dinner (Quinn ate ALL of his ... amazing). This morning they had "ice cream & cookies" for breakfast.

                        The ice cream is a frozen banana, 2 T of plain yogurt (I make it, but you don't have to), 1 T honey, 1/2 t unsweetened cocoa. The cookies are Wheaties, LF ricotta cheese, "flour mixture" (equal pts white flour, wheat flour & wheat germ), & brown sugar.

                        I will totally admit that this is more work though. But it helps that they really are eating what they're given (not even a guarantee when I make something they "like").


                        • #27
                          Re: the Sneaky Chef

                          I need these recipes. What's for dinner?


                          • #28
                            Re: the Sneaky Chef

                            which ones do you want? I'll post what I can.

                            I haven't decided what's for dinner tonight. The boys have basketball, and I have MORE baking to do (for Quinn's school this time), so I may go back to slacker (REAL) mommy.


                            • #29
                              Re: the Sneaky Chef

                              I ahve the Sneaky Chef book. I like her theories. The only recipe I've tried is for the Brownies. I thought they were good. DH thought they were good until I told him what was in them--stupid me. Then he refused to eat any more and started calling them "Weed Brownies." Men!


                              • #30
                                Re: the Sneaky Chef

                                The sneaky chef brownies sound better than the deceptive ones. The DD ones have spinach and carrots rather than spinach and blueberries I think.

                                We had a playdate the other day and the mom brought the DD brownies. Anna took one bite and then walked over and threw her brownie in the trash. The other mom's back was turned to her and she didn't see.

