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Total dressing down-vent

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  • #16
    Re: Total dressing down-vent

    Originally posted by alison
    She needs to pull up the adult diaper and stop picking on innocent people like you. I'm sorry you had to deal with this!
    ITA! Unfreaking believeable! She is the epitome of "Mean People Suck"!


    • #17
      Re: Total dressing down-vent

      Geez, what planet was she from!!! I'm so sorry your lunch and time with your friends was ruined by such an ignorant witch. I'm shocked, I don't know what I wold have done in your situation.


      • #18
        Re: Total dressing down-vent

        That is really pathetic. I don't know what I would have done, probably cry. I'm one of those that cries when angry.
        wife, mother, nurse practitioner

        "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


        • #19
          Re: Total dressing down-vent

          vicious granny beyotch...she's rotten on the inside


          • #20
            Re: Total dressing down-vent

            You guys are not going to believe this- I ran into this couple at Publix today! This is not completely out of the ordinary bc it is a smallish town.

            I saw her, she saw me, it clicked for both of us. I let her know, very politely, that my parenting was my business, if it was disturbing her, she could politely let me know but that 'public humiliation' ( my words) was completely unnecessary. She was completely unapologetic but at least was not yelling. She said again that I ignored my child calling for me ( who was sitting on my lap) and that it was awful and dangerous to play with salt and pepper shakers, esp bc ' they are not yours', hello public use in a restaurant.

            I remained polite and not heated but I did tell her her behavior was inappropriate and unacceptable. The only barb I got in there was ' if you had had children, you would know...' and that got her husband upset. I also told her ( not sure if I posted it here) that the manager of Earth Fare sent me a written apology and a gift card. She responded by telling me she would never step foot in there again bc of that.

            At least I got it off my chest.
            Mom to three wild women.


            • #21
              Re: Total dressing down-vent

              Good for you for standing up for yourself. :tsk:
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #22
                Re: Total dressing down-vent

                Good for you.

                Apparently she's beaten her husband down over time, too.



                • #23
                  Re: Total dressing down-vent

                  I know that took some bravery SueAnn. Good for you for not ignoring it, and for handling it in a calm manner. Perhaps she'll think twice before berating someone like that again. You may have saved some other GOOD mother the stress that you endured.


                  • #24
                    Re: Total dressing down-vent

                    Originally posted by Jane
                    I know that took some bravery SueAnn. Good for you for not ignoring it, and for handling it in a calm manner. Perhaps she'll think twice before berating someone like that again. You may have saved some other GOOD mother the stress that you endured.

                    I hope it helped.


                    • #25
                      Re: Total dressing down-vent

                      Just reading this now. Awesome that you got to tell her off- politely-- and that you scored a gift card!!! Well done!

                      (but sorry you had to deal with her-- two times! Watch- you'll probably never ever see her again!)

                      Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


                      • #26
                        Re: Total dressing down-vent

                        Wow, but hey good news is that she won't be shopping in that store again, so it's all yours to do whatever you like in there.


                        • #27
                          Re: Total dressing down-vent

                          Were your kids within earshot? If not:

                          "Look, Old Woman, this is none your business. Why don't you go take your shrewish, wrinkled self and move it on down the road...Isn't that the Grim Reaper over there, looking for you?"


                          Don't let someone's age or obnoxiousness prevent you from giving it back, just as hard. See if you can make her cry. I'd bet you can.

                          If your kids are around, take the higher road. Start yelling at the top of your voice: "HELP! HELP!! Can I get some help here!! This woman is not well and having a medical situation!! She's having some kind of seizure!" Make huge fuss, start yelling at employees to get a blanket and water. You will completely embarrass her. Warning, though: this will work only if you can REALLY OWN it and appear completely confident. When people arrive to help, firmly and loudly...and with a vague sense of deep over her, explaining that, "She's totally disoriented. I think she could use to sit down! Can anyone help?" You're young...everyone will assume you're right and she's demented. And she will be so taken aback that it will send her reeling. If you really take charge, you will cause so much chaos, you can literally walk away in the middle of it, laughing.

                          But either way, never apologize. For most women (me included), that's our first reaction. To internalize and try to reduce our embarrassment by concession. I have to stop myself from doing it, too. But you had NOTHING to apologize for.

                          And congrats on the gift card. SCORE!!


                          • #28
                            Re: Total dressing down-vent

                            Awesome update. Way to go SueAnn. I'm vicariously triumphant. That must have felt great to get that off of your chest.


                            • #29
                              Re: Total dressing down-vent

                              Good for you SueAnn.
                              wife, mother, nurse practitioner

                              "You have not converted a man because you have silenced him." (John, Viscount Morely, On Compromise, 1874)


                              • #30
                                Re: Total dressing down-vent

                                Way to go SueAnne! You are awesome! Its not often you get the chance and the courage to take care of a situation like that and you did it with style and in a way that is a great example for your kids.

