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gift ideas

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  • gift ideas

    So. . .

    How old are your kids?
    What is going to be under the tree for them?

    Thx. . . only have 1 present bought so far.

  • #2
    Re: gift ideas

    The dude is 3.

    Under the tree from us is a wooden train set (made in the USA from non-lead paint!). We're trying to move him away from the Thomas toys because I figure it's just a matter of time until they're all recalled.

    There will be some books, a few items of clothing, and that's about it.

    We're going to my moms house so we'll have to transport everything back to TX.

    My parents are getting the boys those Fisher-Price cameras for kids.



    • #3
      Re: gift ideas

      I got the boys the Fisher-Price camera, too. They're too old for pretty much everything else FP makes, but I like the durability of it for a camera.

      They're also getting 1 movie each (Ratatoullie & Shrek 3), a Crainium game, a few mini-transformers as stocking stuffers, a leapster game each, Heroscape, and a build-your-own robot.


      • #4
        Re: gift ideas

        Maya (8y) - Barbie Girls MP3 (from us), ATM bank & Illustory (kit that lets her write and illustrate a story then you send it in and it gets bound to look like a real book) (from Santa)

        Clare (6y) - Barbie Girls MP3 (from us), Playmobil seals and pandas (from Santa)

        Zachary (4y) - SmartCycle (Us), Playmobil take-along castle (Santa)

        Grace (2y) - Kidkraft dollhouse (Us), V-tech laptop (Santa)

        Finn (1y) - Parents foam blocks (Us), Fischer Price Learning Home (Santa)

        rocking horse for all the kids from us


        • #5
          Re: gift ideas

          Zach (11 - going on 15 ):
          Roboquad and remote control attack helicopter set to share with Dad

          Annie (8):
          2 Marionettes (she asked for them!) and American Girl doll

          Family is getting a Wii from Santa.
          Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
          Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

          "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


          • #6
            Re: gift ideas

            Garrison: bike and castle legos

            Brennan: bike and American Girl doll (Nicki)

            Kate-Kelly: bike and American Girl dolls (Bitty Twins)

            I have a couple more smaller things for each of them.


            • #7
              Re: gift ideas

              Oh - we've got tons of smaller things, too. I think I've gone nuts this year with the pre-shopping for small items like art supplies and books.
              Gyn-Onc fellowship survivor - 10 years out of the training years; reluctant suburbanite
              Mom to DS (18) and DD (15) (and many many pets)

              "Where are we going - and what am I doing in this handbasket?"


              • #8
                Re: gift ideas

                Eddy, age 1, is getting a couple of playsilks and a potty. One Grandma has said something about a Noah's Ark with animals, and the other Grandma is sending a sand box.


                • #9
                  Re: gift ideas

                  What's a playsilk?


                  • #10
                    Re: gift ideas

                    From us:

                    DS (6.5 yrs old) : Legos, Playmobil Operating Room set, Origami kit, Star Wars Complete Saga for wii, extra remote for wii, books

                    DD (almost 3): Playmobil Bunnie School set, Littlest Pet Shop sets, Art kit, either a v-smile or leapster game, books


                    DS: wii Play

                    DD: don't know yet, maybe a bike

                    MIL is getting DS a wii

                    DD bday is 5 days before Xmas. Between our families sending stuff, the kids always have plenty. I finally started to open the boxes that I piled up in the basement. I already hate wrapping. Next year the kids are getting Amazon boxes with bows on them.


                    • #11
                      Re: gift ideas

                      Originally posted by uvagradk
                      What's a playsilk?
                      Just a square of silk fabric, usually dyed in pretty colors. I guess it's originally a Waldorf educational concept -- an open-ended toy upon which children can foist their imaginations.


                      • #12
                        Re: gift ideas

                        Got it. I think.


                        • #13
                          Re: gift ideas

                          We've got the playsilks on a stick (at least I think that is what they are). The kids have fun with them and when they get irritated with each other, have ready access to a pretty weapon.


                          • #14
                            Re: gift ideas

                            No soap on a rope this year? Man, kids today are missing out.

