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Question for parents of pre-schoolers

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  • Question for parents of pre-schoolers

    We have new neighbors upstairs who have 5-6 year old twins. The construction of our development is very shitty and I can hear when they walk or run water, not to mention when the kids run around and play ball. They were extremely loud the weekend they moved in, so I went up there and nicely let them know that there's virtually no insulation between our apartments and I can really hear everything. They're on the top floor and probably didn't realize this. It really hasn't been that bad for the past few weeks, but today the weather is horrible and based on the noise coming from upstairs everyone stayed home today.

    I understand that kids that age won't sit quietly on the couch all day long but at this point I'm willing to pay for their movie tickets or anything to get them out of the house for at least a few hours. It sounds like they're playing tag or bowling or something along those lines. The ceiling is shaking, the dishes are clattering and even the cat is getting jumpy. Is there anything I can do aside from buying our own place sooner than we planned?

  • #2
    Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

    Is there anything that you can do?

    Probably not. They're little whirling dervishes. and are LOUD.



    • #3
      Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

      Not really. Apartment living really does suck sometimes.

      If I were on the receiving end of an offer to buy movie tickets or something, I'd probably think "you only have one person to schlep - you go out!". It sucks b/c it is your home, but it's their home too, and if it's not really just careless, crazy behavior (a la band practice at 1AM), then I don't think there is much you can do.


      • #4
        Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

        Ugh, Julie, as the mom of kids who lived above our poor elderly downstairs neighbors for two years...I'll offer an apology on their behalf. My answer is there isn't much that can be done. Mom can be told, but when you have kids trapped inside there's only so much that can be done. And really, knowing how temporary the solution is, as in the kids can be pacified for a while, it might be charity on your part to have pity on the mom and let it go. It is not "fair" and yet it is Soooooo much easier for you to go to a movie than for her to gather, bundle the kids and haul them out in bad weather. If she has a conscience your comments to her will just make her feel like she sucks as a mom, cannot provide adequately for her kids, and maybe will result in less patience to her own kids in the end. Like I said, not fair, but there you go from the perspective of the elephants upstairs.


        • #5
          Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

          Does your contract say anything about noise? In ours, it stipulates that you're not allowed to make noise that prevents others from "enjoying" their apartment.

          If it happens repeatedly, I'd give her a polite note telling her once again that the walls are really thin, and that you'd appreciate it if they could try to keep it down.
          married to an anesthesia attending


          • #6
            Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

            I understand that there's only so much she can do and that's why I'm reluctant to go up there again. I can definitely tell she tries to take them out when the weather is better. I can't blame her for wanting to stay home when it's sleeting. I guess I can always take the laptop to a new coffeshop down the road. I was just checking in case there was something. I don't want to be an obnoxious neighbor complaining about the existence of children.


            • #7
              Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

              I know how frustrating the constant sound of footprints is, but I agree with the will be kids and I'm sure the parents are doing all that they can to keep the noise at a minimum.

              If you'll be staying in an apartment for awhile, would it be possible to move to a top floor unit?


              • #8
                Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

                I'm kid-less, but I can recall very clearly when I'd ride my trike in the house . Imagine how noisy that was! But, if you're in an apartment building, then I think bowling is unreasonable.
                married to an anesthesia attending


                • #9
                  Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

                  Originally posted by oceanchild
                  It sounds like you are being a pretty good sport.
                  Yeah, kudos to you. I'm not as patient as you are!
                  I've got loud (adult) neighbors.
                  married to an anesthesia attending


                  • #10
                    Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

                    Hmmm. I had that problem before. The family above us had 3 children under the age of 4, and they tended to run around a lot (although the apartments were very small, so they must have been running in circles!). Unfortunately, if you have already pointed out to them that the insulation is thin, I can't think of much else you can do about it. Especially if it doesn't happen too often, as you said. However, if it starts to happen a lot, I would mention it again (in a nice way). Hopefully the kids will have school tomorrow!!

                    Living in shared buildings isn't easy.
                    Wife to a PGY-7 Interventional Cardiology Fellow, Mom to two. DS(7) and DD(3).


                    • #11
                      Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

                      Just make sure to put a coat on them since it's chilly out.


                      • #12
                        Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

                        Annie, I'm so close to suggesting tough love to them today. They've been at it non-stop since 8am. We do have all the apartments carpeted but I have a feeling that the only thing separating our apartments is the carpet and may be some drywall. I'm expecting someone to crash through my ceiling any minute. It's not that I can just hear them but that the ceiling actually vibrates with every step.

                        If it wasn't so expensive to move to another unit, I would have already. I just don't know if it's worth several grand.


                        • #13
                          Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

                          Have you thought of suggesting swapping units with the family upstairs? If that were an option for us, I actually would have jumped on it (and disturbed nobody beneath me).


                          • #14
                            Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

                            Maybe you can talk to the property manager and see if they'll lower the price - or even comp you. If they *have* open units anyway and the alternative is to just lose you entirely. The real issue sounds to be the shoddy workmanship/quality of the building (w/regards to soundproofing).

                            I can't imagine the nightmare of living in an apartment w/kids. Or the nightmare of living under an apartment w/kids in it. Both things I'm glad I never experienced.


                            • #15
                              Re: Question for parents of pre-schoolers

                              My kids make a total racket up on our top floor, thru wood floors, and it doesn't shake any of the walls or anything. That would be definitely worrysome...

                              But, if you go and ask her to keep her kids from running around so much, she may just get irritated enough to tell them to run around even more...

                              It's kind of a lose-lose. I guess that as long as they don't disrupt you during the sleeping hours, it's probably best to just try to escape your house when they are stuck home. :huh:

                              Is there an apartment manager or something who can take the complaint for you and tell her anonymously? I'm sure that they irritate the neighbors on the other side of the walls, too.

                              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

