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Claudia, Tiffany, Amy, Wendy, & other mommies-to-be

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  • Claudia, Tiffany, Amy, Wendy, & other mommies-to-be

    How are you guys feeling? Any news? What is going on in the mommies-to-be world? We're thinking of you.

    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.

  • #2
    I'm feeling ok. Went to the doctor yesterday because I was sure that the baby was falling right out of me. Luckily that's not the case...instead I have been pregnant so often and soon together that my ligaments are stretched out and all my insides are pushing down. It's very uncomfortable. It's always nice to have the dr tell you basically that you are worn out and stretched out. 8O

    Oh well, it's all worth it in the end. I get to find out on November 1 what kind I get this time. I can't wait!



    • #3
      Ohhh, you are so disciplined to not find out the sex of the baby! I'm a "let's eat desert first" type of girl and found out as soon as I possibly could. (Besides, it made me feel like some part of my pregnancy was "planned" )

      I'm sure that you are no more stretched out than the rest of us! I loved that feeling of my hip bones stetching during delivery to a size forever bigger. 8O Speaking of the unspeakable, I heard Joyce Behar talk about the bra-less look the other day and why she couldn't try it. Her nipples are pointed south towards Venezuela! I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants, yet another remnant of motherhood! <sigh>

      If we weren't laughing we'd be crying. Enjoy your pregnancy!

      In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


      • #4
        yes, it was quite humbling when my son told someone that I was feeding his baby sister my tummy when I was nursing her one day. I just enjoy looking into the mirror when I am not pregnant and thinking that I look pretty good. Of course, that is after seeing my distorted pregnant body for nine months. There is, though, something quite liberating about being able to be totally out of shape and having someone/something else to blame it on other than myself. My body will forever be a fine monument to my children and, I feel it my absolute duty to provide a nice cushy spot for them to sit on.



        • #5
          Hi, this is Rebecca from Richmond I have been really absent for a while!

          Our baby is due 1/26/02 - Super Bowl Sunday! I am feeling super and am getting really antsy for the little guys arrival!


          • #6
            Hey Kelly! I've been so busy over the last month! I have no idea why really but whatever! Feeling pretty good. . .almost 11 weeks now. Still bloated and waking up once per night but other than that, feeling pretty good. I'm excited for my next appointment because we will listen to the heartbeat and then I'll tell all of our friends!

            Tiffany - did you find out what you are having?

            Kelly - feeling any baby fever lately?


            • #7
              We found out on Friday that we are having another boy! Everything looks good from what the u/s showed. Gregg is thrilled because he really wanted a brother for Chase. Now I am thinking that we need to try for a 4th at some point so I can maybe have another girl and use all the cute little girl clothes again. 8O Gregg thinks I am nuts.

              Hope everyone else is doing well.



              • #8
                Rebecca- the time is definitely getting closer. Hubby isn't a football nut, is he? If so, I would try to get induced early to make sure he is focused.

                Claudia, I feel so privileged that we are amongst the first to know! You are almost to the very safe second trimester! How exciting! Any vibes on whether it is a boy or girl?

                Tiffany, how exciting. Brothers have such a neat, life long relationship. Hopefully, this will be especially true because they are so close in age.

                And yes, I always have baby fever. I just am trying to get my life together, if at all possible. Really, you don't want to get me going on this topic. It is constantly on my mind and in my heart.

                In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                • #9
                  You can always vent your feelings on baby fever here! I am *SO* ready to be in the second trimester. Every day feels like a week right now! I'm going be the end of week 13 is the finish line so only a little under 3 weeks left. Agh Eek! I think it's a girl. But I admit that I am absolutely unable to answer that question objectively. I want a girl so much that I am unable to see any other visions! Ha ha. My mom fed me an old wives tale today that it is most likely a girl because all of my weight is going to my thighs and rear. I gained 7 lbs. over the last month -OUCH! I don't know how or when or why because I'm really trying to eat healthy.


                  • #10
                    Claudia- That is funny about the wives tale your mom told you. There are so many and I found myself scoping the internet during my pregnancy for ways to tell determine the sex of our baby. We found out via ultrasound because I just couldn't wait to find out.

                    Anyway, if you are interested there is this draino test that nurses working in the unit with my husband swear by. It has been accurate something like 22 out of 25 times for them. It also worked for me.

                    You put two teaspoons of crystal draino in a cup with your first morning's urine. If it turns brown it is a girl and if it stays yellow it is a boy. I think I took the test at about 14 weeks and up until then I swore I was having a boy. I took the test twice and both times the color revealed a girl. Five weeks later at my ultrasound, we confirmed we were having a girl.

                    Anyway, it is just for fun, but the nurses in the NICU think it is scientific.



                    • #11
                      Hi everyone. Just wanted to check in. I have been such a slacker lately. Everything seems to be happening at once - all good things, though, so I can't complain. We get to have the big ultrasound before Christmas - YEAH! I so so so hope that this little person will be showing off for the tech. I am really excited to find out if it is a boy or girl. Everyone is giving me so much grief for wanting to know but I just think it will help me bond. I'm not one for really drilling in masculine or feminine traits but there isn't anything wrong with wanting to know if it will be fireman pajamas or ballerina pajamas! Feeling good. . .just had my appointment yesterday and all is good. 15 weeks now. I've started having some round ligament pain lately which is really uncomfortable. How is everyone else doing?

