We decided early on that we would not bring gaming systems (gamecube/wii) etc. into the house as well as Barbie. We ended up eventually caving on the gaming systems but ended up coming to the hard realization that they became everything we feared that they would be. Since putting them away this year, our kids have gone back to board games and talking to each other. Our 9 year old has taken off with his reading now! I wish we had never brought that stuff into the house...or maybe that we had been more aware of how powerful a distraction the game systems could become...so that we could control it better earlier. We were strict about not allowing violent games...I guess we can feel good about that.
I did get a doctor barbie and a pregnant barbie for Amanda eventually....more of a role model thing.....women can be doctors and mommies...I thought they were unique. I hate the Barbie chest thing though....she just seems too sexualized for my taste. It's ironic that I prefer bratz to barbie....when so many are opposed to bratz.
I also don't buy military toys. I know, I know...it won't cause little boys to think war is ok..and I'm not anti-military (I grew up with a dad in the military). I just don't want them playing war if I can help it. :huh:
I've just now caved on the make-up thing in the past year...but the only thing I let Amanda wear out of the house is clear lip gloss and clear mascara. She is finally going to be allowed to get her ears pierced in 2 weeks for her 12th birthday. It was my rule. I know...she was allowed to play with bratz but not get her ears pierced.
What kinds of things have you banned or did you plan on banning? What would you not buy if you could have a do-over?
I did get a doctor barbie and a pregnant barbie for Amanda eventually....more of a role model thing.....women can be doctors and mommies...I thought they were unique. I hate the Barbie chest thing though....she just seems too sexualized for my taste. It's ironic that I prefer bratz to barbie....when so many are opposed to bratz.
I also don't buy military toys. I know, I know...it won't cause little boys to think war is ok..and I'm not anti-military (I grew up with a dad in the military). I just don't want them playing war if I can help it. :huh:
I've just now caved on the make-up thing in the past year...but the only thing I let Amanda wear out of the house is clear lip gloss and clear mascara. She is finally going to be allowed to get her ears pierced in 2 weeks for her 12th birthday. It was my rule. I know...she was allowed to play with bratz but not get her ears pierced.

What kinds of things have you banned or did you plan on banning? What would you not buy if you could have a do-over?