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Finding a sitter

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  • Finding a sitter

    I admit it. I'm a bit overwhelmed at the prospect of turning my (clingy, needy, mama's boy) over to a stranger I've invited into my (not always pristine) home. I'm sure there are some of you making assumptions based on the fact that my 18 month old has never been watched by a stranger, and that's your prerogative. Be that as it may, it's time to change that!

    I *must* have a sitter for graduation this year, and we'd kind of like to go out to a movie sometime soon as well, LOL. So where do I start? Is sittercity worth $100 a year? Should I just head to Craigslist? Advice is ever so welcome.

  • #2
    Re: Finding a sitter

    I have found some great sitters from Craig's List -- indirectly. These are sitters that friends have found via Craig's List and then I let my friends test them out. It's just a little too much for me but we have some great babysitters because of it. Make sense?

    My advice would be to have someone over a few times to play with Eddy while you are around so you can see how they interact and then maybe have one time while you are gone before graduation. That will make it a lot easier for both of you.

    We were in a real bind a few months ago and I hired someone from a nanny agency (similar to Sitter City, I assume). She was fine but we haven't had her back since. I ended up having to take Evie with me. I just didn't feel like the sitter was well-equipped to deal with my clingy and needy kid. Some people have more of a knack for that than others and while an agency sitter will have background and references checked that skill is a little harder to screen for (IMO).

    ETA: Good suggestion from Annie. You could go through the nursing school or have your DH as around. I know that a local college by my house has an on-line job board. A friend found an education major who turned out to be a great sitter.


    • #3
      Re: Finding a sitter

      a person that found me to watch THEIR baby thought that paying sittercity was too much. so, to get around it, she signed up as a babysitter (free) to browse the other sitters in her area.

      FWIW, i didn't leave my babes with anyone other than a family friend and my mom for 2 years.

      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        Re: Finding a sitter

        Since you're in a college town, use that to your advantage. The school of education, the nursing school - both great resources.

        I would have a hard time bringing someone in off of craigslist. I'll do that for someone to clean my house -- but not watch my kids. I have used a nanny service a couple times - but that was before we really knew anyone. I knew those people were screened, etc. - but they were also very expensive and not super-fantastic enough to warrant the cost.

        Asking around is really a great way to find someone -- it turns out that one of our neighbors is the principal of a nearby catholic high school. He knows which kids are "good" (and he uses them to watch his own kids). I've got a great resource for essentially pre-screened, pre-tested sitters!


        • #5
          Re: Finding a sitter

          Just wanted to "ditto" the whole aspect of nevery having left toddlers with a non-family sitter before. I don't think I've *ever* used a non-family member sitter- except for Kate's daycare and a close family friend with whom we do child-care swapping.

          Obviously, I'm not a good resource for advice about finding a sitter. My grand plan is to wait until Kate is old enough to take classes and legally watch the kids. LOL. She won't do it...

          I love reading the suggestions, though. Makes me dream...

          Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!


          • #6
            Re: Finding a sitter

            Originally posted by spotty_dog
            I'm sure there are some of you making assumptions based on the fact that my 18 month old has never been watched by a stranger, and that's your prerogative.
            No assumptions here, Jack is almost 2.5yo and still has never been watched by anyone other than a grandparent! We have DH's graduation dinner coming up next month, and rather than trying to find a stranger to come and babysit we've decided to have DH's 18yo sister watch the boys. She'll have to skip the dinner, but she doesn't mind and would probably have more fun with her nephews anyway.

            Anyway, I would second asking around for nursing or education students. Also, if you belong to a church, you could see if any kids from the youth group are available. DH's chairman's wife once gave me her advice for finding a sitter: call up the local Christian college because those girls are too busy reading the Bible to do irresponsible and immature things. I have a friend here who found a great sitter throug craigslist, but I think I would be like Nellie ... I wouldn't be comfortable using a sitter from craigslist unless someone else had used them first.

            Good luck, and enjoy your time out together!!

            -Wife of urology attending.
            -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


            • #7
              Re: Finding a sitter

              I haven't had to find one yet but several friends had recommendations that I would trust. I have used my former boss and her daughter which is great!
              Wife to NSG out of training, mom to 2, 10 & 8, and a beagle with wings.


              • #8
                Re: Finding a sitter

                Thanks, guys. I've had comments before to the effect of SAHMs being martyrs for not getting relief childcare on a regular basis, so I'm sensitive. I'm not sitter-phobic, it's just never been an issue for us before!

                I do think I would be comfortable with an ASU student (with credentials and references, of course!), so I'll see if they have a job board or something!


                • #9
                  Re: Finding a sitter

                  I've used SitterCity but interviewed them in my home and then stuck around while they interacted, etc.

                  Trust me, if my parents weren't a 3-day drive away, the dude wouldn't have had a sitter!

                  My friends use a nanny service (in DC) but 1) they're loaded and can afford it and 2) w/ my friend's health problems, they need people that can be called in at a moment's notice. (her MIL is an idiot and her dad has Parkinsons so there are no family members nearby- she uses my mom in a pinch but my mom is an hour away)

                  Honestly, right now I'm using my next door neighbor's girlfriend because she's an adult, she's got baby hunger and Nikolai is in love with her.

                  I fired my last Sitter City babysitter because while she started out great, her personal situation became a problem- she was given custody of her nieces by CPS because of her sister's drug issues- so, when flaky sister would no-show on seeing her kids, MY kid got the shaft. No thanks.



                  • #10
                    Re: Finding a sitter

                    Getting a sitter becomes easier as the kiddos age. They are more independent and can't keep a secret to save their lives. They tell all.

                    In this location, I've had great success through DD's church preschool. Could you contact one of these and ask for leads?
                    A youth group might have several interested teens.

                    In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                    • #11
                      Re: Finding a sitter

                      We have most often used nurses DH works with, sitters through our neighborhood or friends and a local university that puts out a babysitting list. Once you get hooked up with a sorority, it is easy to find sitters.

                      It is hard leaving your kids when you are with them all the time. I get teased a lot. They become like an appendage.


                      • #12
                        Re: Finding a sitter

                        I have a kind-of-related question: If you have more than one kid, who watched your first child(ren) while your next was being born?

                        I have no immediate need for this information, but it keeps popping into my head. As evidenced by this thread, it's hard enough to find a sitter for a dinner out, let alone something that might be an overnight, is likely to come up spontaneously etc. How do people without family nearby handle that?
                        Married to a hematopathologist seven years out of training.
                        Raising three girls, 11, 9, and 2.

                        “That was the thing about the world: it wasn't that things were harder than you thought they were going to be, it was that they were hard in ways that you didn't expect.”
                        Lev Grossman, The Magician King


                        • #13
                          Re: Finding a sitter

                          We had developed a close friendship with some neighbors who volunteered to take our son if I went into labor early. I went a bit over my due date, however, so my mom was already there. We knew two residents who left their toddler in the nurses station while mom labored. It is a lot to ask someone, especially if they have to coordinate their own jobs and daycare schedules. Still, most people are willing to help.

                          In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


                          • #14
                            Re: Finding a sitter

                            We're lucky that MIL lives 20 minutes away, so she kept DS#1 at her house while we were in the hospital when DS#2 was born.

                            If we didn't have family nearby, I would probably have to rely on good friends. I have some friends here who don't have any family around, and they rely on friends to help out with that sort of stuff.

                            -Wife of urology attending.
                            -SAHM to three great kiddos (2 boys, 1 girl!)


                            • #15
                              Re: Finding a sitter

                              This was such a huge issue with Luke. My mom arrived 8 hours after he was born. I went into labor at about 38 w. 4 days or so... So we were cutting it close, but assumed that I'd go until at least 39 weeks. Anyway, this is the kicker:

                              DH was in charge of the backup plan and he didn't make one. So... we had to call in an adorable med school couple we knew who came and slept in our basement while I went into labor-- they arrived at 1130 at night, and stayed until about 4 am when DH returned. Meanwhile, my kids all woke up, which never happens, and so the wife was reading them stories at 2 am while I was laboring!!!!

                              It feel so badly about the whole thing. I got them a nice giftcard and everything, but still...

                              My advice is to make arrangements yourself, find a college student who can come in the middle of the night, give her some type of a retainer fee (like- I'll give you $50 no matter if I need you or not) and hope your other kid (or kiddos) stay asleep thru the night. The best thing I learned from that situation was to NOT leave it up to DH. Which I'm sure everyone else on this site would know instinctively...

                              Aloha from paradise! And the other side of training!

