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the smirk

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  • the smirk

    for the past couple weeks, whenever dh and i say something to ds that has to do with "don't do _______"

    he looks at us with this little smirk/smile.

    it really PISSES me off.

    we explain that whatever 'it' is that we're talking to him about, is serious...we want his attention, and/or is NOT funny.

    (dh also annoys me, because he can't keep a straight face himself when ds starts doing it. )

    is this a phase? do you ignore it?

    he is 5, btw.
    ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~

  • #2
    Re: the smirk

    Not sure if it's a phase or a sense of humor thing. DD2 does the same thing and she'll actually laugh right in our face when we're trying to discipline her. It's almost as though she knows the score and it sucks because she'll call our bluff every single time. I will say that it has gotten better as we've had to lay down the law.

    The thing is both DH and I would have to look the other way while she did it because we thought it was hilarious. It's frusterating to not be taken seriously, but I guess laugh at what you can't control? :huh:
    Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters


    • #3
      Re: the smirk

      glad we're not the only ones.

      it's so obnoxious! i'm hoping my girls don't pick up on it.
      ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


      • #4
        Re: the smirk

        Originally posted by Ladybug
        Umm, hello, operator, can you please get me the number for my mom's hottest buttons. Thanks.
        So true.

        You're not the only one, Sylvia.


        • #5
          Re: the smirk

          OMG- the sass and smirks of the small boy with whom I reside? and I too, completely crack up because he's just such an ass. I have had to walk away from the dining room table on multiple occasions so as to not enforce such things.

          His most 'endearing' thing so far is that he looks at us, wags his finger and then does the thing that the baseball umpires so when calling someone 'out'. I have NO idea where he picked it up but it's soooooo obnoxious. and of course my parents thought it was 'sooooo cute' so it's now a permanent tool in the Nikolai tantrum toolbox.



          • #6
            Re: the smirk

            ug. jenn. your parents!!! *sigh* grandchildren get away with everything. :tsk:

            oh.oh.oh!!! and dd#2...

            me: don't touch that, okay???
            dd: touch, touch mommy. (as she is touching what ever i said not to) then running away with fits of laughter.

            ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


            • #7
              Re: the smirk

              OMG, Sylvia, this is reminding me of a stage that Bryn went through with time out around 4 or 5. She loved it! She loved the chair, such a nice view out the window! Smiley, smiley girl even wanted to sit there a few extra minutes, would that be ok?


              • #8
                Re: the smirk


                oh and dd#1

                me:clean up guys, lets get the stuff put away

                minutes and or hrs go by

                me: repeat..clean up, lets go...i want you to pick up these toys.

                still, nothing from kids. maybe...eventually ds and dd#2 will start. i ask dd#1 to help.

                dd#1: i'm soooooooo tired mommy, i can't.

                me: (threat) should i get a garbage bag and throw things away? (i have been known to put things away for a week or so....)

                dd#1: okay mommy throw them away. i'm just going to sit here.

                all nonchalant...
                ~shacked up with an ob/gyn~


                • #9
                  Re: the smirk

                  Originally posted by rainbabies

                  oh and dd#1

                  me:clean up guys, lets get the stuff put away

                  minutes and or hrs go by

                  me: repeat..clean up, lets go...i want you to pick up these toys.

                  still, nothing from kids. maybe...eventually ds and dd#2 will start. i ask dd#1 to help.

                  dd#1: i'm soooooooo tired mommy, i can't.

                  me: (threat) should i get a garbage bag and throw things away? (i have been known to put things away for a week or so....)

                  dd#1: okay mommy throw them away. i'm just going to sit here.

                  all nonchalant...
                  This nearly exact thing scneario happens nearly anytime there's chores involved at our house. Our oldest DD will be great and start working on whatever I asked of her, meanwhile our youngest DD just plain out flat refuses. She couldn't care less what consequences I give her, she'll call my bluff everytime. Once that happens, the oldest DD sees the other not working and get frusterated and quit. :banghead:
                  Charlene~Married to an attending Ophtho Mudphud and Mom to 2 daughters

