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Crazy Family Photo

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  • Crazy Family Photo

    ok-- I have an experience to share LOL. Yesterday my husband and I and our 2 kids got ready to go up to Mt. Lemmon to take our Christmas pictures. We had our friends and their kids coming up to so that we could take their pics and then they could take ours. (That's how you do it cheap when you're students, right?) Anyway, I had gone to my friends that morning and cut all three of her kids hair and then got home and got myself and the kids ready. I had them looking so cute! We all got dressed up in nice sweaters and jeans (pics to be taken outdoors), had their hair just perfect. Well, long story short...It took us a while to get going and get a few things done first and then my husband took a couple of wrong turns to get up the canyon etc...Finally, we are on our way (and only 3 hours later than I had hoped! ) As we were driving up the winding roads our son who is rarely sick and VERY active starts moaning and laying down on the floor. We were concerned about him and were asking him if he was okay when he just starts throwing up ALL over the van and himself. (poor little guy) My husband can't pull over b/c it is in the tiny canyon. It took a while to find a spot to pull out. Our friends pull over behind us and start helping us "clean up". We had to strip him down and wipe him up as best we could (sorry for the mental picture) My friend happened to have extra clothes in her van so she fixed us up. I told my husband to just go back down and go home so we could take care of our son. He didn't want to b/c we were half way up the canyon and my son felt he claimed MUCH better (LOL) so, we kept on going. We of course kept checking him and asking about how he was doing. Not 5 minutes later my daughter starts crying and trying to climb out of her car seat and I turn around to help her and guess what? SHE starts throwing up all over. Luckily I could see it coming and grabbed something and she didn't get too dirty. (wow, this is a gross post!) I can't believe I am sharing this. LOL So now I am really wanting to go back down and get home but we are like 3 miles from this place. We kept pulling over and our friends, who have 3 kids, totally understood but wanted to still go up and get their pics done. Anyway, we finally figure it is just motion sickness and get to the spot we wanted. After a fresh change of clothes and a box of anitbacterial wipes..we hurried to get our families pics done and theirs before the daylight was gone. My husband and I got to laughing so hard about the whole thing on the way home and thought that this is one family photo we will NEVER forget!

  • #2

    HOLY COW!!!!! This has to be the most hilarious (sorry 8) ) Christmas photo story I've ever heard!!!...Those are holiday pictures that will tell a story for years to come!! You sure are brave to keep going and get the pics done. Do you think they turned out ok in the end?

    ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
    ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss


    • #3
      My goodness -- you have GOT to post that picture, no matter how it turns out. That's the stuff memories are made of, alright. When I was little, one of my older cousins got married and the next day my mom's whole extended family gathered for a cookout at a pond. It was the perfect opportunity to get a shot of the whole group (except the newlyweds) but one of my cousins threw up in a place that would be visible in the photo. Someone put a box over the spot, but now whenever any of us sees the picture, someone invariably says (pointing to the box) "there's John's throw-up!" It has been 25 years since that picture and I can still remember it clearly, mostly because of that incident!

      Wife of an OB/Gyn, mom to three boys, middle school choir teacher.

      "I don't know when Dad will be home."


      • #4
        As they say, truth is stranger than fiction. You should submit this to Reader's Digest or National Lampoons. I know that it wasn't funny for you at the time, but it is hysterical for us. Thanks for sharing!

        In my dreams I run with the Kenyans.


        • #5
          Well, we got the pictures back! They are actually cute. (some of them) My husband and I are not photogenic at all but there are a few I really like. The kids made faces in almost all of them and it just captured their personalities! to post them on here? Maybe we can make another family website. I really enjoyed looking at all of your posted photos. It always helps to have a face with a name


          • #6

            You can try posting them at the album ... see button above. I'm still playing with the image size buttons, so it may/may not work. Let me know if you try and have trouble...

            Or...load them to your server and then use the Img code to post them here....

            ~Mom of 5, married to an ID doc
            ~A Rolling Stone Gathers No Moss

